Jan. 9th, 2009


Quick Update: Comm is going into Hibernation Mode.

Hi all,

Just some quick housekeeping notes. I'm putting the community into hibernative naptosis- suspended animation- no new posts, but no deletion of old posts or of the community itself.
It's time.

GreatestJournal has finally passed away, and this comm and its sister have been inactive for quite a long time.

It was an awesome time that we had here while we had it, but it seems clear to me that the community has served its purpose, and people have clearly moved on. I'd like to thank everyone for their participation and their creative energy, and assure you that the comm's posts and info will remain online without changes. It is, however, no longer going to be a paid account.

To protect the archive from sabotage or abuse by trolls, I have put the community on moderated mode- no new posts and comments in moderated status. Myself and [info]cloudsky, who designed our layout, are the remaining maintainers.

Again, -thank you all- for your presence. I wish everyone the best of luck in whatever new fandom they find themselves.

If you want to ask me any questions about this, feel free to join this thread at my IJ: here!.