Apr. 10th, 2008


[comic] Dreamwave Megaman issue #4

Found the whole issue- including some pretty awesome scuffling between Megaman and Protoman, the 4 pages of X at the end and some pretty scary-looking fanart in the middle! :D

Here it is as promised, so enjoy!

Megaman 04.rar (10 MB)

If you don't have winRAR, you should be able to rename the file to .zip and use WinZip to successfully open the images. :D

Apr. 9th, 2008


Dreamwave Rockman Comic Issue 2.

I was actually reminded that I had a Rockman issue from Dreamwave hidden in my comic box. Unfortunately, I only have issue 2. Cut for spammage of images, but they're all thumbnails so it won't kill dial-up users too harshly. I hope >>;

25 pages, including the cover.

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I had to snerk at 'kindly old man' Wily with his walking stick. That coot would beat you with your own legs XD That or get Forte to do it. So wanted to see Forte in it, and we're left with the tease that Blues was going to be in issue three, which I dun' have D :

The artwork was actually quite nice, and close enough to the original. But, Dreamwave also had a Devil May Cry comic going on and got up to three issues before it too, died. Murphy's Law indeed.

Let me know if there's anything wrong with the images or if I missed something.
