Feb. 21st, 2008


Reploid Watch: The Blue Brain project, ROBAUCO project from Spain

The current issue of SEED Magazine features a lead article called "Out of the Blue" which is a detailed article about a current bleeding edge computer program, Blue Brain, that attempts to reproduce, in digital form, the physical workings of a slice of an organic brain.

Some startling and interesting points I wanted to share from the article by Jonah Lehrer, with my emphases in bold: Clicky for iiiinteresting data! )

Edit: Another press release for a Spanish robotics drive I just found :
Read me! )

Edit the third: LOL SUFFERING CIRCUIT with bonus pic of Marvin the Paranoid Android: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/02/21/scicomp121.xml

Remorseful computers that dwell on their mistakes could be better at dealing with people than the conventional kind of machine, scientists have found. Computers are already able to learn from their mistakes, just like we do. But now scientists have discovered they behave even more like people if they possess a sense of "regret." And this could help the worlds of humankind and computerkind to rub along.