January 2009



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Jan. 9th, 2009


Quick Update: Comm is going into Hibernation Mode.

Hi all,

Just some quick housekeeping notes. I'm putting the community into hibernative naptosis- suspended animation- no new posts, but no deletion of old posts or of the community itself.
It's time.

GreatestJournal has finally passed away, and this comm and its sister have been inactive for quite a long time.

It was an awesome time that we had here while we had it, but it seems clear to me that the community has served its purpose, and people have clearly moved on. I'd like to thank everyone for their participation and their creative energy, and assure you that the comm's posts and info will remain online without changes. It is, however, no longer going to be a paid account.

To protect the archive from sabotage or abuse by trolls, I have put the community on moderated mode- no new posts and comments in moderated status. Myself and [info]cloudsky, who designed our layout, are the remaining maintainers.

Again, -thank you all- for your presence. I wish everyone the best of luck in whatever new fandom they find themselves.

If you want to ask me any questions about this, feel free to join this thread at my IJ: here!.

Jul. 1st, 2008


[admin] Change to the Links List

After the MM9 mess, I am elevating Protodude's Rockman Corner and adding the Mega Man Home Page to replace the other links. I'd link to Capcom Unity too if they gave me a single point of contact for MM-related news posts!

MMN and RPM are being removed as I feel they are unreliable resources (and they repost from Protodude almost as much as I do anyway.)

Sorry if this inconveniences anyone!

Mar. 19th, 2008


[admin] The Tag Thing

Hay guys, I set the comm so that members can add or subtract tags from post. USE THIS POWER WISELY. (and let me know if it dun work right.)

No snarky tags or long phrases, please- keep it to simple one or two-word tags that are relevant to your content. We have quite a few tags already, so check the sidebar first!

I'll still be trying to keep tags relevant; as discussions move around and draw in more elements, I'll add more tags to an entry if they haven't already been added.

Feb. 25th, 2008


POLL: should we put Rockman Elysium onto Rockman Search?

Hey, guys, I had a thought. Should we try to get R_E onto Rockman Search over at http://rms.eek.jp? It could be kind of neat! Anyone literate enough in Japanese willing to write us up a description and navigate the search engine to put a link in? I can come up with a linkbar graphic if we need one, too.

I was thinking about it; since people overseas seem so surprised that there's activity in the US, maybe we should make it easier for people with multiple language capacity (or at least the willingness to try poking around English language stuff) to find us?

What does the group think about this?

Feb. 7th, 2008


New link in the comm's sidebar.

I've booted Capcom USA's Megaman page from the links bar and replaced it with a new site: Protodude's Rockman Corner, entertaining source of archival toy news and rumors about Capcom's upcoming Rockman-related releases. Check it out: I think you guys will like it!

And OMG YOU GUYS: http://protodudesrockmancorner.blogspot.com/2008/01/theres-irregular-hunter-in-my-pocket.html

An X4 toy like the old Tamagotchi with an X you can train up and carry around with you, shaped like X's helmet!
I want one of these so bad I can TASTE IT. :D

Jan. 15th, 2008


[admin] Yahoo and AOL are eating IJ e-mails

Passing on a IJ-related admin note as I know it affects some of us directly:

Those of you who use Yahoo to receive comment notifications, be aware that Yahoo and AOL are currently blacklisting e-mails from IJ. IJ staff are working on the problem, but you'll probably need to track your comment replies for your IJ manually in the interim.

Also, if you are having trouble posting to the community because of Firefox login issues, try these steps:

Clear your cache entirely.
Return to IJ.
Enter your name and password.
When the pop-up asks 'remember this password?' hit 'never for this site'.

You'll have to log in as yourself when you visit the site each time, but you will no longer have that problem of the post page kicking you out and making it impossible to post to communities. I had to deal with this myself ;P

EDIT: [info]squeaky reports that Yahoo is accepting mail again- if you're not getting yours, check your spam filters. (Isn't it nice to have such quick turnaround on problems?)

Jan. 10th, 2008


[admin] Layout update

Tried tweaking the comm's layout again. It should still give a scroll bar now for those monster posts; let me know if you have any problems. I dinked around with various combinations of styles for the last couple of hours, and so far this is still the most flexible layout I've found.

Also, out of curiosity, I'd like to hear back from the comm with everyone's screen resolution and browser so future layout tweaks can serve the largest number of people in the community. If everyone's running Firefox at 1024x780 on 17 inch monitors, that's good to know; if there's more variance, that'll tell me I need to keep changes conservative. :D
Tags: ,

Jan. 8th, 2008


[admin] Concerning icons- please, no fanart-based icons on R_E.

We all love icons, and pretty icons at that, especially pretty pairing-icons. However, we (your benevolent and cautious mods!) would like to ask that icons made from fanart not be used on this community, unless the fanart is your own. It tends to offend the artists involved. It slipped our minds to mention it before, but we're making it formal now.

Please use only official art to make icons if you want to use them for community posts . However, if you obtained permission from the artist to make an icon of their work, of course, it's all right to use it here on R_E.

I THINK that sidebar pic is official, but if it's not I hope someone tells me so I can change it! ^^;;

We have such a thin and fractured fanbase internationally that we need to not piss off the artists that are still working and posting publicly. Too many Japanese artists have completely locked down their sites over this sort of thing; we can't afford to lose any more.

We won't be playing icon police from here on; we just wish to let everyone know to please consider this when you make or use icons.

Thanks for your understanding. :D

Clearly, also, as we don't have enough tasty icons in general to go around consider this an open-ended challenge to the community: make some awesome icons for public use and tack them up here! Who will rise to the challenge? :D
Tags: ,

Jan. 6th, 2008


[admin] Good news, everyone! Archival success and reminder about subjects

Thanks to a nifty little site called LJBook that I discovered, I have been able to archive R_E from GJ!

The GJ version of the community has been archived as a PDF covering its creation mid-2007 to December of 07 (it didn't include the last couple of entries during January, sorry!) and includes comments in nested order.

You can download it here (2.2 mb). Try 'save link as' and let me know if you have problems.

A couple of notes: the archival process didn't capture the names of individual entry owners, unfortunately, nor did it capture user icons, but the comment stream generally makes it possible to figure who wrote what. While this isn't completely perfect, it's far better than nothing. Sorry for those who might have trouble using PDF- this was the handiest and most legible format I could think of for easy storage, portability and most importantly COHERENCY at the end-user level. My biggest concern was saving the conversations and comments in order, and this has done that.

I'll post up the link to the PDF in the sidebar shortly!

A related house-keeping note: Please be sure to give your community entries a full subject line. I notice some entries from the old comm had no subject, and this makes it even more difficult on an archival level to backtrack who wrote posts. Remember to use [subject] tags, post full titles of fanfics in the subject line with ratings and pairings if any, and also (new for 2008) to put your name and title at the start of any fanfic texts, like:

The Zeroth Law
by mystery_muse, Jan 2008.

If you do this, it'll make future archiving much cleaner and ensure that you don't get your work mistaken for someone else's. ;D

Welcome back [info]fire_bolero as co-moderator!

Lastly, the comm's userinfo has been updated slightly to include additional links to significant fanon discussions. I'm sure I could backlink to more of them from GJ and may do so later. :D

Jan. 5th, 2008


[admin] Check your Asylum Invite page.

The following users have been successfully invited to RE.
* dreamofdays2138: Member, Can Post
* cloudsky: Member, Can Post
* farenheights: Member, Can Post
* lonely_hunter: Member, Can Post

You can find it under the top bar, Asylums, under Asylum Invitations. XD I'm wondering if the code is a little buggy though. Let me know if you have any problems. Also, be sure to watch the community- just being a member doesn't always translate into seeing the comm on your friends list. *giggle*


[admin] Official Welcome Post!

Er, if Zero and Lumine don't destroy the poor comm before it even begins... then welcome to version two of Rockman Elysium!

We are up and running on Insanejournal as a paid account for an entire year which hopefully will ensure both ad-free and trouble-free maintenance. Your current mod is [info]mystery_muse and co-mod fire_bolero will be reinstated as soon as she sees what's happened and gets an account here. For the moment we are a moderated-join and invite-only community. Some of you should have recently received invites if I knew of your existing IJ account. Others should ping mmxmuse on Yahoo! if you weren't invited and I'll get you hooked up.

The status of the archiving of the GJ community is a matter of high priority and I will do my best to try and get it done this weekend, so we don't lose the scads of conversation and commentary that we developed. Moving always sucks, and unpacking's even less fun.

Now that we're here, though, we can look forward to a new year and a new layout- as well as the upcoming launch of our sister community rp_elysium as previously discussed on GJ.

So! Let's get back to it! I'm going to ask that people use this post to tack up links to their fanfics that have been moved and rearchived- just reply to this post!

Mystery Muse's fic index: http://mystery-muse.insanejournal.com/5594.html
Blunderbuss's fic index: http://blunderbuss.insanejournal.com/3802.html

Jan. 4th, 2008


[admin] test!

this is a test post.

all work and no play makes X a dull boy.

all work and no play makes X a dull boy.

all work and no play makes X a dull boy.

all work and no play makes X a dull boy.

all work and no play makes X a dull boy.