all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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July 27th, 2016



Who: Anyone!
Where: The LBJ District, down the street from The Oval House
When: 7/9, morning & early afternoon
What: Spontaneous street party!

On the morning of July 9th, residents of the LBJ District awaken to find that during the night’s spate of vandalism, a hydrant has been busted. Enterprising residents from all districts, eager to take a break from the heat, throw an impromptu party in the street. After hearing word on the Freenet, Burger, She Wrote rolls up mid-morning to park at the party and serve burgers and fries. A documentary crew from the Capitol will also be present to chronicle the occasion.

Austinites are able to take advantage of the spray of cold water until mid afternoon, when a public works crew dispatched by the government to fix the problem arrives and soldiers, wary of that the increased noise might draw shufflers to crash the gathering, encourage everyone to go home.

Please note that as a result of the hydrant repairs, the water main stays inactive throughout the evening, ruining the plans of anyone who lives in the LBJ District to do anything that might require the use of water. Wanted a shower after work? Wanted to cook a pot of pasta for dinner? Tough toenails, folks. Full water usage will not be restored until 7/10.