all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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March 31st, 2016



Who: Bishop and Nate
When: March 8, Backdated
Why: They go out baby stuff hunting
Where: Around Austin

Old friends, winter companions, the old men Lost in their overcoats, waiting for the sunset The sounds of the city sifting through trees Settles like dust on the shoulders of the old friends )



Who: Bunnate
Where: Dog Park
When: Early evening, March 8th (backdated)
Why: Nate got some things for his woman.

Ask me and I'll play so sweetly It'll make you smile )



Who: Teagan, Bishop and then later Pete
What: Birth
When: For awhile on March 10
Where: Dog Park

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail. Yes I would, If I only could... )



Who: Pete Whelan & Savannah Posey
Where: The LBJ Library
When: Backdated to 3/7/19
What: Old friends catching up over lunch. It doesn't go well.

Are you seriously askin’ me if I’m pregnant? With your baby? )



Who: Pete Whelan and Noa Bellamy
When: 3/10/19 - 4/1/19, after Teagan & Bishop's twins are born
Where: Noa's place @ the Dog Park
What: Pete is out after UMCB curfew and takes Noa up on her offer to crash at hers

Read more... )



Who: Marina and Sasha
Where: outskirts of the nightly bonfire
What: talks of first tattoos and jewelry
When: backdated to March 5th, evening

let’s not make it weird )



You see fear is only holding us back

Who: Torrie Reed
Where: The North Loop and a Walgreen’s on Guadalupe
What: Finding trouble when she doesn’t mean to.
When: 3/10/19, late afternoon

Look closely amongst all your peers
There is usually one thing that keeps us off track
it is fear, it is fear, it is fear )