all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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October 4th, 2015



Who: Olivia Jensen & Maizie Wolfe, with a notable guest appearance from Savannah Posey.
Where: The LBJ; where else?
When: Backdated to September 8 & 9 and October 1.
What: Navigating the changing dynamics of a friendship through familial rift-mending, scouting runs, supermoons, text message break-ups, unresolved emotions from June, and shootouts.

Be a mess with me, okay? )



Who: Viktor Scherbatsky & Roman Scherbatsky
When: A juxtaposition of scenes from 2017 and late evening, September 10, 2018
Where: The Dog Park
What: Flashback to brothers reuniting, then spending time with each other before shit hits the fan.

Read more... )



WHO: Maggie and Roman
WHEN: October 1st, midday
WHERE: Rome's RV
WHAT: Maggie visits Roman for some supplies.

Now, he was a bundle of shirts on a couch- a placeholder for when she could feel things more honestly. )



Sammy & Pete: UMCB

Who: Pete Whelan and Sam Rose
When: Oct 1
Where: Doctor common-room
What: Celebrating the loss of the boogeyman

There wasn't nothing that y'all could go picking up at the store-room that was party streamers and balloons, but Sam reckoned the gasp of held breath exhaled was plenty visible, without silvered-paper fringes stretched out across the maw of the halls and without confetti and ticker-tape. The med center had just let go clenched lungs on dirty breath and folks weren't celebrating exactly - too many people lost, and too many folks jumping from one place to the next like it was a party-game when you were too little to decide y'all didn't need to pick sides.

But Sam, she figured she could mark the occasion by making coffee in the common-room a handful more times than usual. Burned beans, the kind that had been used and re-used, the grounds dried careful by hand, scooped into a filter and squeezed until they ran through like dirty water. Sam paid more attention to coffee-grounds than she did her clothes, and that was real symbolic or something.

There wasn't a lot in her wheelhouse that could do a damned bit for folks here. She wasn't stitching up bullet-wounds or bites (a moment, for a shiver of anger to settle some on the back of her neck: maybe she was flat-out useless in a crisis, but that didn't mean not telling her a damn thing about the crisis while it happened) but she'd learned how to make something that maybe wasn't good but wasn't terrible, out of nothing. She was fiddling paper into a pot and waiting for the water in the (totally unsanctioned) kettle to boil.



WHO: Maggie and Adelaide
WHAT: Meeting the baby
WHEN: October 2nd
WHERE: Adelaide's new home

once you sign on to be a mother, that's the only shift they offer. )



WHO: Derek and anyone in/around the Dog Park who wants to drop in for their stuff
WHEN: Backdated to Sept 8 and running through to Oct 1
WHERE: Derek's RV/shop area
WHAT: Derek has a bunch of stuff to unpack now that he's back and has a bunch of special request sort of things for various people. Putting it all in one big log for convenience sake.

Don't be making any fun of Aunty Entity now. )



Who: Esther Kwon & Beatrice Rodríguez
Where: Around Austin
What: Girl talk while scavenging
When: Oct. 1st (backdated)

“Like I wish I thought someone was cute or attractive but I just think everyone’s stupid.” )