all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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September 17th, 2015



in spite of all the wherewithal, to fight it all i will face it all

Who: Savannah Posey and Rodeo Hawkins
Where: The Council Chambers
What: Alliances are built and truths are told.
When: Morning, September 6 2018

will you be ready when the straw boss calls?
he's got an ever-lovin' bone to pick with one and all.
don't let his condescension get you down,
just have the strength to know you're wrong
and when you're right the strength to stand your ground.

when everyday is like a war between the will to go on
and a wish that the world would spiral into the sun,
turn your head toward the storm that's surely coming along. )



when their whispers have painted pictures

Who: Bishop Coldiron, Sepphy Forrester and Danny Kwon.
Where: Hardware Store on Bee Cave Road.
What: Bishop agrees to a meeting with Sepphy, even if dealing with other shelters isn't in his job description.
When: Morning, September 6th, 2018.

That make you doubt what you once believed in,
paper stories that hide the glory to keep us searching,

through smoke )



Who: Nina Clarke & Theo Laberenz. Mentions of Daniela Diaz
When: Backdated to September 5, 5:45PM
Where: Nina's apartment
What: Nina and Theo finally have their IMPORTANT CHAT.

Read more... )



i'm going where the water drinks like cherry wine

Who: Willa Davidson and Rodeo Hawkins
Where: Outside Rodeo's trailer; around the Dog Park
What: Willa discovers the best way to the Dog King's good graces is through his stomach.
When: Evening, September 6 2018

and if that's your mama, you better tie her to your side.
yeah if that's your mama, better tie her to your side.
'cause if she flags my train i'm sure gonna let her ride. )




Who: Nadia, Nate and all the guests.
Why: Birthday things
When: September 6th, Friday 3:30 to
Where: Here )



Who: Marina and Antón (with Bishop and some Dogs in the background)
Where: Hilton off Red River Street
What: family reunion, episode 2
When: September 6, afternoon after these texts

incomplete, but a little bit of something is under here )