all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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September 9th, 2015



Who: Marcus and Willa
Where: Dog Park. Near the outdoor shower area to start.
When: Late afternoon, September 2nd
What: Other than the gratuitous nude internal whining in my intro, I'm guessing they talk!

Whatever you do, don't tell anyone. )



so give me a blanket for my cold, cold heart. you know that i've travelled far.

Who: Marina Kovalenka & Nadia Costa
Where: The Dog Park
What: Pseudo-sisters meeting for the first time
When: Hella backdated to afternoon of Saturday August 15, after this

Doesn’t make me any less sorry. )



Who: Teagan and Willa
Where: Inside and Outside Teagan's trailer, respectively. Dog Park!
When: Backdated to September 2nd, sometime after this
What: Smug bitches manage an introduction without killing each other? Bode, you clearly have A Type, son.

Why does this all feel slippery to me somehow? )



Who: Adelaide Lansing and Lori Chance
Where: The Capitol
What: Lori arrives and enjoys a happy reunion with Addie
When: tba

Reunited and it feels so good... )



so show me where you fit.

Who: Nate Quinn & Nadia Costa
Where: The Dog Park
What: Drunken happiness on the heels of her meeting Marina. Some awkwardness.
When: Evening of August 15, after this

Did ye git what ye came for? )