Posts Tagged: 'mod+post'

Oct. 2nd, 2013



Hey guys! Just a friendly reminder that the activity check is this Sunday, October 6th, so make sure you get all your kids updated at least once by then! If you have any questions or need a refresher on which of your characters are still inactive if any direct them here or IM one of the mods so we can check the AC list for you. Thanks! ♥, Heather

Sep. 16th, 2013



Hey guys! Belated thank you for the awesome and productive group chat last night, it was cool to talk to so many of you at once and we should definitely do it more often when schedules allow. I know there was a few of you who couldn't make it or were otherwise unable to join due to technical difficulties and AIM chat being a dick, so I saved a transcript of the chat just in case! If any of you want a copy, let me know here and I'll shoot you an e-mail. Thanks again! ♥, Heather

Sep. 11th, 2013



Hello lovely players!

We've been trying to get together for a player chat for a little while to kind've get some potential players acclimated with our group and feeling comfortable, and we asked you guys about availability and then felt horrible because the plans just didn't come together for last week.

However, we now have a rather solid date and time for it! So the group chat will be held:

Sunday, September 15, at 8 pm EST.

So 7 CST, and...5 PST? 11 for Sky. I'm really bad at Time Zones, but we tried to make it as convenient as possible for everybody while still working around crazy schedules and work. We tried really hard guys!

The game plan is to interact with people interested in the game (kind've like an open house in Real Estate!) and hopefully convince them we're an awesome place to play. However, in the event that they are unable to make it, we are still going to have the chat. It's very hard to get us all together in a chat room at a given time, so Heather and I are absolutely going to take advantage of this opportunity either way and use the time in the event that nobody new comes in order to brain storm with everybody for future plot weeks!

We hope this works out for everybody! Thank you all for being such incredible players and so unbelievably flexible!


Sep. 4th, 2013



Hi guys! Tracy here! Interrupting your game play to ask for a bit of help. Nothing major, just a little bit for organizational purposes! Heather and I are hard at work updating the pages with the information necessary to keep us up-to-date and keep confusion to a minimum.

So Tracy, what do you need us to do?

I'm glad you asked, disembodied voice!

If you guys could head over to the info page of the mod journal and comment on this post with information you see missing so that we can add it, that would be AWESOME! In particular, I'm looking at the locations page.

Also, you guys did an AWESOME JOB during the plot week! We're super impressed! Keep being great players, we love you all!

Aug. 25th, 2013




Guess what? AU week is over.

This is your unofficial call time. Please see mod posts (just click on the mod post tag in the ooc comm) if you need a refresher as to what this means. Any questions? Post them here and we'll answer them in the morning when it's not late-as-fuck-AM and Heather's a little more sober. Love you guys! ♥

Aug. 17th, 2013



Sup, bitches! It's that time!

(Apologies, I've had some beer and Breaking Bad re-runs.)

So basically this post serves no real purpose except to repeat myself but one more before the plot week starts can't hurt. Tomorrow (er, later today...? Stupid 12am) is the start of AU Week! Go here and here for further details and plotting goodness, comment to this post for any further questions before we get started, etc. And in case it wasn't already made clear before, it's an alternate universe, so seriously anything goes. You can go as far as killing your character and once things go back to the way they were after the week is over they'll still be alive, just maybe a lot less happier because on top of the whole 'anything goes' rule for this week? People will remember everything about it.

What's going to happen now is that I'm going to write a short narrative for Willette in the morning, doing her Wanda mojo to kick things off. Once I've posted that, the AU Week has begun, so ya'll can start digging into the madness anytime after. To sleep I go now! See you guys on the flip side. ♥, Heather

Aug. 11th, 2013


Hello everyone! Just dropping in to say I'm still here, I promise. I know I got a little slower with tags later in the week, I was finishing moving and we had a big signing at the comic store over the weekend, plus it was just a pretty hectic work week in general. But I have lots of free time tomorrow that I'll be using to catch up on all the tags I owe, I promise! Let me know if there's anything in particular that you want from me, I am here to serve.

Also it looks like there's no issues with the timing I tentatively set for the upcoming plot weeks (?) so things will go ahead as scheduled for now, and the AU plot week will start next Sunday with more updates to follow. Yay! ♥, Heather

Aug. 3rd, 2013



Heyyy guys.

This post is extremely belated, but yesterday I came down with a cold and was actually forced to take time off work so I decided to push through the nasal congestion and finally talk to you about plot weeks! Remember those? We mentioned them awhile ago... even voted on some... so a million years later, we're finally getting down to business. In case anyone needs a refresher (or wasn't around when we were first doing this), the original plot weeks post and voting of such was here, and the voting results were here.

Since AU Week and the Future theme were the winners, we'll be doing those first, and here's what I've proposed.

Plot week madness this way! )

Aaaaand that's all I got, folks. Let me know what you think! And don't forget about the suggestion box if any of you have any more ideas for future plot weeks. We're going to get to all of them eventually because plot weeks are awesome, so sometime in the near future we'll do another poll after we knock out a few more from the results. Thanks, guys! ♥, Heather

Jul. 13th, 2013



Hey guys! Two things -

First of all, the Agency thread is still going so please feel free to join in! There's still a bunch of open threads that need joining, so don't be shy. Still plenty of time to get your party on.

Second reminder is that the Activity Check is tomorrow so make sure to get all your characters active by then! If you need help remembering who you still have left to get active, just shoot us a comment here and someone will look at the list for you. ♥

May. 24th, 2013


Hey, guys! This is just a quick little reminder to vote for the plot weeks and AU themes if you haven't already, or if you didn't vote for three each and you want to vote for more. I'll be tallying up the votes this weekend and posting the results soon thereafter, and then we can really get the fun stuff going. :)

Thanks, everyone!

<3 Bella

May. 9th, 2013



Hey, guys! As promised, here's your plot week post. I've compiled a list of potential plot weeks and themes for the AU comm; the difference between the two is that the plot weeks are game-wide and have real consequences in game, while the AU themes will probably last a month/an AC or so and will be totally optional. We're always taking suggestions, so this isn't by any means a comprehensive list. Just a good place to start so we can finally kick the fun times off. :)

More behind the cut! )

May. 5th, 2013



HEY GUYS. This is for real for real this time. April madness and the insanity of Free Comic Book Day weekend is finally over (I work primarily at a comic shop, for those of you who don't know that, which is usually a super chill job just not these last two months), and my work schedule at both jobs has changed for the better, so I am back! Really! Promise. I'm going to get to work making up my own to-do list for the rest of this AC but please don't hesitate to hit me up with anything specific that you were looking to do with any of mine, etc. I also haven't forgotten about the plot request meme (pst, for anyone who hasn't been over there yet, go here) so I'll get to responding to those soon, along with everything else ever. Missed you guys! ♥

Jan. 20th, 2013



Hey, guys! This is just a friendly reminder that this AC ends on Sunday, January 27th. I know the holidays, exhausting jobs, the beginning of the semester, and probably a lot of other things and a combination of all of the above have kicked us all in the butt over the past couple weeks, but there's still a lot of people left on our inactive list. If you want to double-check with us to see which of your characters are still on the list, don't hesitate to ask us! The same goes for a hiatus; if you find yourself in need of one before the week is out, just let us know and we'll work things out for you. ♥

Thanks, and happy gaming!

– The Mods

Dec. 19th, 2012



Hello lovelies! Apologies for the unscheduled disappearing act. I'm a retail worker and this holiday season has been fucking NUTS, the stores (I work at two) basically have done all they could to swallow me whole. But I am slowly emerging! Expect updates and more replies tonight and tomorrow but I wanted to let you all know I haven't died. I'll be posting some belated game plot stuff too and just so you all know sometime after Christmas, the mods are going to be attempting to put together some crazy cool plot weeks for the new year. Fun, fun, fun! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back into retail hell for the day, but I just wanted to say I miss you all and I'm so glad you're here! Keep on playing and being awesome.

♥, Heather!mod

Nov. 30th, 2012



Greetings, players! Heather here, bearing gifts and apologies. Apologies for my lack of presence around the place these past couple days, I came down with a very sudden and very unpleasant case of food poisoning which pretty much put me out of commission. I'm better now, at least in theory, and I wanted to share with all of you this wonderful thing Amy made us: Tips From The Agency.

Awesome, right? After going through the first ten I defy you not to want one of your characters working for the Agency now. Look at how fun it is! It's also a little bare boned right now because we've been neglecting it lately but I've started updating Fuck Yeah Reincarnates again, and that usually gets updated periodically. And Texts From Reincarnate hasn't been used in a really long time but I'm hoping to get that back up and running now that we have so many new characters. You guys are welcome to take the initiative to send in submissions of your own to these tumblers too, and very much encouraged to follow them if you have tumblers of your own! You can now find the link to Amy's awesome Agency tumbler next to our other tumbler links on the mod info pages too. Check it out! ♥

Oct. 31st, 2012



Hello lovely players!

For all of you East Coasters, I hope you and any family/friends in the area are doing okay. Let us know if you're going to be unavailable for any reason, loss of power/internet, family emergencies or otherwise, but don't sweat activity. We definitely understand unexpected hiatuses. ♥

Secondly, it's not too late to get in on these Halloween threads! So please don't hesitate to jump into an open subthread or start your own in the haunted house, or Camelot's shindig if you're a member/invited guest. Whenever we do big party threads like this tags typically keep going for at least a week, so don't worry about coming into the parties a little late! You'll still get play. Also RE: the haunted house since it's now the actual night of Halloween, feel free to start threading post-midnight craziness. Let the blood bath begin? XD

As for me, I'm headed out for the night. Work for six hours and then a coworker's Halloween party, so I'll see you all on the other side! Happy Halloween! :)

- Heather!Mod

Oct. 29th, 2012



Hello lovelies! As you've all probably realized, Halloween is now two days away (!!!). What we like to do with huge party threads is start them a couple days early, so the Haunted House and the Camelot Halloween party threads will be going up today. We do this so people can hopefully get a head start on any plots they might be doing within the events as early as possible, so feel free to start replying to the party threads as soon as they go up. They'll still be dated for Wednesday night so just keep that in mind for today and tomorrow, whatever you're threading hasn't actually happened yet in the game's time line.

Our standard format for starting subthreads in a party atmosphere is that the first person posting for the subthread puts their character's name with a dash after it in the subject line, followed by the next character(s) replying to the subthread or 'open' if you're opening the subthread up to anyone who wants to reply. Examples: Emma/Jace/Colin OR Emma/OPEN. If you're still unsure of how to proceed I'll be putting up a subthread immediately in both posts as an active example so feel free to hold off until you can get a look at them. All the necessary details for people participating in both parties will be in the opening starters as well, but if anybody has questions feel free to ask them here or IM one of the mods. Have fun! :)

♥, The Mods

Edit: Also for the Haunted House thread especially, please feel free to interpret any vague insinuations as to the details of the house for what your character is doing in the place. You can take anything that was given in the details of the starter and make things up according to what you want to happen to your character, especially when the real madness starts. And you can always take a look at other subthreads going on to get ideas or to play off of! (As for when it turns midnight in the Haunted House thread, we'll throw up a post letting you all know so you can act accordingly in your subthreads.)

Oct. 23rd, 2012



Hello lovelies! Just a quick update about our upcoming Halloween extravaganzas~

A flier is going to be posted in a bit in regards to the Resistance's Haunted House. Basically the idea is these fliers are going to be passed along by hand and word of mouth, made sure that it falls into reincarnates hands by 'accident'. The Resistance has made it to look like it's a party sponsored by mundies for mundies (so mundies who attend get fooled and reincarnates get blamed later), when in reality they've designed it to attract both mundies and reincarnates alike for maximum carnage. So if reincarnates RSVP? They'll get an actual person on the line posing as a member of said company (FEED, because they're FEEDING THE EARTH, technically >>) sponsoring the event. It's designed to be a pretty big deal and a party people wouldn't want to miss. There will be another mod update with more details on the actual house of horrors and what to expect in there closer to Halloween, but for now, feel free to have your characters start noticing the party fliers. Everyone's invited! Come at your own risk. ;)

For the Camelot Halloween party, obviously it's by personal invitation only, so it's not going to be publicized. But if you have a character who knows people in Camelot and you want them to go, that can be arranged! And coming to Camelot's parties is a great way to get recruited too if you're interested in having a character join. Just remember any non-Camelot members have to swear the secrecy oath before being allowed near the castle. It's designed to protect Camelot's location, and v. bad things happen to people who try and blab where they are. Think Harry Potter and the DA/Room of Requirement secrecy oath, but worse. Ya'll don't want that, trust. Also for new people who might have missed the first post about this, go here!

♥, Heather!Mod

Oct. 15th, 2012



As I'm sure everyone's already noticed, IJ had a huge failure of some kind on Saturday and a huge chunk of most people's icons went missing. For those of you that don't keep up to date with Insane Journal's twitter and/or facebook page, to my knowledge nothing has been said about it since Saturday, but at the time it wasn't clear if we'd ever see those icons alive again or not. Huge pain in the ass, I know. :-/ I'm still hopeful that IJ will find a way to fix it (mostly because I can't even fathom having to go BACK and figure out which icons I'd have to re-upload, but it's not looking good right now. Anyway, I spent a good chunk of this morning fixing all the broken icon links in the mod journal so at the very least, none of your characters are missing faces anymore on the character rosters. Here's hoping there's still some hope left? And if anybody has come across any updated information on the icon situation, please let us all know so I can stop pulling my hair out. ... Or pull the rest of it out, as the case might end up being. XD

♥, Heather!Mod

Sep. 13th, 2012



Good morning lovelies! This is Tracy here, bringing you some cool stuff to help out with locations and stuff. I spent a couple of hours throwing our locations onto a map for our convenience. However, I was going by the locations pages, so if you guys could do me a favor and look at those pages for accuracy, I'd greatly appreciate it. I know there are some locations missing (it's very hard to keep up), so if you need a location added, just comment and I'll add it to both the page and the map! Thanks!

P.S. I wrote explanations for locations as best as I could. If you'd like to elaborate on the map descriptions, feel free to.