reincarnate - the ooc journal
these dreams will be my anchor
these dreams will be the death of me

February 2020

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June 12th, 2017



So guess who's bringing you a lovable barbarian prince this week? That's right. It's Allie. By the time you get done exchanging blame this is only 25% Heather's fault.

So! Dominic Akana. Former high ranking UFC fighter. Suspended after his (now ex-)wife accused him of domestic abuse; the charges were dropped but the damage to his reputation remains. Of course, no one cares that the accusations were completely fake and only came after Dom threatened to go public with some shady stuff that his wife and older half-brother were doing... and somewhere in the middle of hiding from the public and dealing with divorce papers, Dom happened to become the reincarnate of one Prince Damianos of Akielos, from Captive Prince, who isn't any better at picking who to trust than Dom.

Plot me! Warrior types who would love to join him in beating the shit out of each other for fun. People who might have been interested in watching guys beat the shit out of each other on TV for fun and/or the aftermath of the scandal. Sneaky, devious people to confuse the fuck out of him because he's a pretty straightforward guy. And friends. Lots of them. The guy needs friends. His ex-wife kinda got all of them in the divorce. Or any brilliant ideas that aren't occurring to me because it's late and I'm tired, bring 'em on.