reincarnate - the ooc journal
these dreams will be my anchor
these dreams will be the death of me

February 2020

Powered by InsaneJournal

March 12th, 2017



Hi! This is Allie. What better way to welcome back IJ's functionality, and celebrate finishing up fixing all my friend lists and requesting access back to all the communities with everyone, than by adding another character?

This is Joey Malone, your new resident piece of southside Chicago trash. He's just spent the last seven years in prison for armed robbery, and he's not doing so great at staying on the right side of the law now that he's out, he just hasn't gotten caught yet. Having a family that breaks the law just as casually as they breathe doesn't help. Neither does being the reincarnate of Mickey Milkovich, from Shameless. His old buddy Thomas ([info]webslingers) is probably the only good influence the guy's got.

So, plot. Other criminal types. People for him to offend horribly (because he will). People for him to fight (because he will). Trouble he can get involved in. People who will attempt to keep him OUT of trouble (good luck). Unfortunate friends of Thomas's who have to put up with this new guy (really sorry). Dude's got a huge family, so if anyone wants some violent southside trash of their own, please consider adopting a Malone. Or, you know... whatever other plot you wanna throw my way. You know I'm easy!