Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.


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August 24th, 2016



owl to lucas flint )



owl to lucas flint )



who: james & lily potter, sirius black
where: 12 grimmauld place
what: breakfast, cracktastic-ness?
status: completed in docs




WHO: George and Lydia Weasley
WHEN: July, 2007
WHERE: Their house
WHAT: There’s babies in their future
RATING: Mediumish adorable
WARNINGS: Mentions of Adult Behavior™
STATUS: Complete

Receiving her Hogwarts letter, her first kiss, George proposing, those were moments she had expected to leave her speechless. )



Who: Various combinations of Cedric Diggory, Mary-Anne Prewett, Xavier Ansari and Aisling Astor.
What: Xavier and Aisling are chaperoning Cedric's date with Mary-Anne.
Where: King's Theatre, Edinburgh.
When: Interval of Bluebeard's Castle, Wednesday 24th August.

It would be just his luck - and the cherry on top of an awkward sundae - if this time around it was Jun he was meeting. )



Who: Cedric Diggory and Mary-Anne Prewett.
What: Carriage ride.
Where: Edinburgh.
When: After the opera, Wednesday 24th August.

Cedric performed his appropriate role as gentleman and helped Mary-Anne in before closing the door behind them )



Who: Open to invited guests! (Please update tags as you go.)
What: Arran's birthday.
Where: 68 Harrowyck Alley.
When: 7pm onwards, Wednesday 24th August.

And we call it bella notte )



who ? andrew potter and evan potter
when ? wednesday evening, 2012
where ? andrew and evan’s house
what ? important decisions ought to be made
status ? complete

To the proud parents, Andrew and Evan Potter, a daughter, Moth Orchid. )