June 30th, 2008

[info]ex_pinkfrict656 in [info]queerpittsburgh

Drabble for prompt "phone calls"

Title: Untitled
Timeline: Post S5
Characters: Justin/Brian
Warning: Schmoopy

Justin could hear the phone ringing. He leaned over, still almost asleep, and picked up the receiver.



“Huh? Brian?”

Justin sat up and rubbed his eyes.

“I’m just calling to remind you that the guy is coming to look at the boiler tomorrow...”

“Brian, it’s 3am. Why are you, oh, I see.” He let a grin spread across his lips.

“I just remembered about the boiler, and I know that you’ve been wanting to fuck the boiler-guy since the first time you met him. I  thought I’d better remind you..”

“Just say it Brian!”

“OK, I miss you...”