June 23rd, 2008

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

drabble for the prompt "Flying"

Title: Last Step
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Justin

He heard his flight being called and stood, grabbing his dufflebag and walked slowly towards the boarding gate. The airport was full of activity, even at this early hour, yet somehow he felt completely alone.
He pulled the boarding pass from his pocket, and his step faltered, just for a moment, before taking that final step through the gate.
The memories of the last hours passed through his mind, a slight smile touching his lips. He wondered if that last kiss he had gently dropped on his lips as he climbed from the bed, had been felt. He hoped so.

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

drabble - prompt 'flying'

Title: Not Fun Flying
Author: [info]foreverbm
Characters: Michael and Jenny Rebecca

JR screamed from the moment they boarded the plane. Nothing Michael did calmed her. He saw the glares of annoyance from passengers but ignored them as he jiggled his daughter on his knee.
The sympathy he’d first received from the air hostess was now wearing thin. He just wanted the plane to land.
Finally it did and he grabbed their bags, getting off as quickly as possible; her cries continuing.
They walked through the gate and JR’s tears stopped instantly when she saw Ben.
“Uncle Ben!” she yelled in glee.
Michael knew next time Ben would be coming with them.

[info]ex_pinkfrict656 in [info]queerpittsburgh

Drabble for prompt airports/flights/flying

Title: The Mile High Club
Timeline: Post-513, but not set in the HMC universe
Characters: Lindsay and Melanie

Half an hour into the flight to Pittsburgh Lindsay stretched her arms back and yawned.

“I’m just going to the bathroom to freshen up.”

“Ok, see you in a minute.”

Lindsay made her way down the aisle and entered the cubicle.

One minute later she heard a tap on the door.

“Yes?” She slid the door open a little to see what the problem was.

“Oh, this is a surprise!”

Mel slid into the cubicle with her.

“I thought it was about time we joined the mile high club,” she grinned as she slid her hand up her wife’s skirt.