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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Gusmas 2012 [Jan. 1st, 2013|03:38 am]

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Author: britin1729
3 drabbles

Keep on Dancing
Prompt: Flame pic

Title: Save the Date
Prompt: Solstice

Title: False Advertising
Prompt: Bed of roses


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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 21st, 2012|03:38 pm]

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Author: britin1729
Notes: 7 drabbles

Title: Season of Love
Prompt: Christmas Eve


Doing it Right
Prompts: Champagne pic, I wanna feel you from the inside, fuck the phone


Title: Like Father, Like Son
Prompt: Drunk and disorderly


Title: Gift Misgivings
Prompt: Kwanzaa

Title: It's a New Dawn
Prompt: Pink lights pic


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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 19th, 2012|04:32 pm]

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Author: britin1729
Notes: 8 drabbles

Last-Minute Panic
Prompt: Hanukkah

Hanukkah  )

Title: Shop 'Til You Drop
Prompt: Do you wanna hold me

Title: DIY Disasters
Prompt: Waterfall Pic

The Retrieval
Prompt: Christmas Day
Notes: 1/3

Title: The Evasion
Prompt: Do you wanna hold me
Notes: 2/3


Title: The Solution
Prompt: Torrential Downpour
Notes: 3/3

Road Trip
Prompt: Cars, trains, buses, and planes
Notes: 1/2


Title: Best Laid Plans
Prompt: Cars, trains, buses, and planes
Notes: 2/2



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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 15th, 2012|01:40 am]

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Author: britin1729
Notes: 4 drabbles

Coming Home
Prompt: Bigger, brighter, better

Intelligence is Overrated
Prompt: Fuck the Phone

Title: Love Thy Neighbor
Prompt: On the outside, looking in

Title: Monopoly
Prompt: Losers

Losers )
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 15th, 2012|12:39 am]

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Title: Heartbeats
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Jet lag
Timeline: S4, ep 408
Notes: 2 drabbles

He gives you a weak excuse about jet lag, and you don't question it. Tomorrow, you'll call the hospital, and maybe you can start figuring out what this all means and where to go from here.

Tonight, you curl against his chest and breathe him in. He's asleep within minutes, but for a long time, you lie awake and take comfort in the steady pounding of his heart beneath your cheek. Your own heart has dropped somewhere in your stomach, but you take a breath and refuse, no matter what, to allow a world to exist without him in it.

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 15th, 2012|12:37 am]

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Title: Try and Try Again
Author: britin1729
Prompt: If at first you don't succeed

Brian and Justin sat, waiting, as their friends opened their envelopes. Lindsay gasped. Ted choked, spluttering coffee over the diner table. Emmett thumped him on the back.

Michael spoke first. "You're getting married?!"

"I'm flashing back to four years ago," said Ted.

"Well, if at first you don't succeed..." said Brian.

"I just have one question," Debbie began.

"We understand we never gave a full explanation for calling it off before," said Justin. "But we've talked, and we're sure this is the right time. We're in the same place emotionally, and...."

"No, I meant, which one of you's knocked up?"

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 15th, 2012|12:33 am]

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Title: For All the World
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Smells Like Snow

"And their Thanksgiving is in the wrong month," Brian continued as they climbed from the rental car. He frowned when the ground crunched beneath his three-hundred dollar shoes. "And it even fucking smells like snow."

Justin rolled his eyes and came around the front of the car. "Yes, I know, everything Canadian is all that's wrong with this world. Can we go in now? I'm starving."

And when Gus threw open the door and flew into his father's arms, all of Brian's fabricated issues with the country fled his mind, and his world shrank to the size of his son.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 7th, 2012|10:48 am]

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Title: Infinity
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Somehow I always knew this would happen, the hand you were dealt, such a shame, you love me so much
4 drabbles total




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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 7th, 2012|10:46 am]

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Title: Following Orders
Author: britin1729
Mine and Yours

"Don't touch that," Brian orders when Justin reaches for his own dick.

"I can't jerk off now?" Justin starts to laugh, sure Brian is joking, but then he sees his serious expression.

"Not until I say. That's mine now, not yours."

But Justin was never good at following orders, and this is a poor time to test his resolve anyway.

"What did I say about touching yourself?" Brian's voice is husky and rough. "I'm going to have to tie you up, since you can't behave yourself."

He does just that, and Justin never comes so hard in all his life.

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 7th, 2012|10:44 am]

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Title: Family
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Bridge
Notes: Pre-S1

"I still think one of us should take the other's name," said Lindsay. "It'll be easier for the baby."

Melanie shrugged. "So, the kid'll have two last names. What's the big deal? We're not getting married. We're not a straight couple. We don't have to buy into the whole heterosexual, patriarchy of names bullshit."

"It's not about that. It's about being a family."

Mel looked at her sadly. "Having the same last name won't make your parents any happier about what we're doing. It won't bridge the gap between us."

Lindsay sighed, hands automatically going to her belly. "I know."

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 7th, 2012|10:40 am]

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Title: Karma's a Kid Part III
Author: britin1729
Prompt: It's only time
Notes: A short continuation of 'Karma's a Kid'

Justin's behind him, rubbing his shoulders, and Brian knows where this is heading. His hopes are confirmed when Justin places a wet kiss on his neck, his hands coming around to tease Brian's nipples.

"It doesn't matter how old we get," Justin whispers in his ear. Brian takes Justin's hand and places it against the fabric of his sweatpants, over his hardening dick. "It's only time."

Brian tries to say something sarcastic, but Justin starts stroking his cock, so he moans instead.

Justin smiles against his skin. "You'll always be young and beautiful to me. And we'll always have this."

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 6th, 2012|10:03 pm]

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Title: Karma's a Kid
Author: britin1729
Prompts: Just stay in and watch TV; history repeats itself
Notes: 2 drabbles

Gus swears when the light flips on. His dad and Justin are on the couch; they've been waiting.

"Again?" Justin sighs. "Gus, we talked about this. You can't go sneaking out in the middle of the night when you stay with us."

"This sucks! Just because you two are old and boring..."

Brian raises an eyebrow. "Right, we have no idea what it's like to be sixteen."

"You don't!" snaps Gus. "Just cause we don't all want to stay in and watch TV all the time.... I have a life, you know!"

After the obligatory lecture, they return to bed.


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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 6th, 2012|09:34 pm]

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Title: Dancing Once Again
Author: britin1729
Prompt: "Here in town you can tell he's been down for a while,
But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles..."

Timeline: Ep 204

Justin looks surprised, but touched. Leading him into the crowd, Brian knows he made the right decision. It wasn't that long ago when Justin couldn't even stand being outside the loft, but things are better now. Justin's more than earned the right to be here, more than proven his bravery.

And so they spin and sway to the gentle rhythm of the music, smiling whenever they're not kissing, and it's easy, on this warm, carefree night, to forget about that other dance. Brian closes his eyes and presses his forehead to Justin's; he's never felt quite so proud at Pride.

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 6th, 2012|09:20 pm]

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Title: Last to Know
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Last one to know

Though Justin found Brian's post-bombing confession of love to be something worth melting in Brian's arms about, not everyone was so touched.

"I love him," Brian admitted, grabbing the joint from Mikey's fingers. He couldn't even remember what they'd been talking about that had led to this declaration. "Fuck, I even told him so."

Michael wasn't even slightly stunned. "Everyone's known that for years."

Brian frowned. "Everyone?"

"Pretty much. Me, Ben, Ma, Mel, Linds, Emmett, Ted..."

"What about Justin?"

Michael looked at him with mingled pity and exasperation. "Justin's known the longest."


"Yeah. You were the last to know."

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Gusmas 2012 [Nov. 24th, 2012|12:51 am]

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Title: Everything
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Starry sky pic
Notes: 2 starry sky drabbles

Once upon a time, Justin had thought making love under the stars was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done. He'd swooned to the melodic notes of Ethan's violin and melted when he'd wanted to feel Justin inside him while looking at the sky.

Back in the world of long-drawn-out-three-AM fucks and wet-and-sloppy-backroom thrills and have-to-have-you-now sex in the elevator or nearest bathroom, Justin realized that particular romantic gesture had been as fake as the man spouting the lines. There was something to be said for passion, for the off-brand of romance, for defining things on your own terms.

Part II )
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Gusmas 2012 [Nov. 24th, 2012|12:23 am]

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Title: Got It Right This Time
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Life isn't fair

Sometimes, Ted hated Brian. It wasn't his usual asshole comments— Ted had ignored those for years. No, what Ted hated most about Brian was Justin.

It wasn't Justin himself, but the fact that Brian even had a Justin. The girls had seemingly always been together. Ted always knew Michael would end up with a hubby. Emmett was vibrant and fun and easy to love.

But Brian fought love with everything he had. How fair was it that he, of all people, should have someone like Justin, when Ted had no one?

Sometimes, Ted hated Brian.

And then there was Blake.
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Gusmas 2012 [Nov. 24th, 2012|12:08 am]

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Title: Hell Red
Author: britin1729
Prompt: Red
Notes: So excited to start off Gusmas this year!

"It's... red." That was about all Vic could say about it. The couch was just ridiculously, obnoxiously red.

"Well, you won't have to worry about stubbing your toe in the dark if you come down for a midnight snack," Michael pointed out. "That thing's so bright, it'll light up the whole room."

"Deb's decorator should be shot," said Brian unhelpfully.

"You know your mother," Vic sighed, wincing a little as he stared at the monstrosity in the living room. Every day for years, he looked at it and never complained once.

Vic liked red, hated the couch, and loved Debbie.
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Round Robin Drabble 35 [Oct. 2nd, 2012|11:41 pm]

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Title: Righting Wrongs
Author: britin1729
Drabble Number: 35 Follows Order
Condom: Daphne

Molly's eyes never left her father.

Her stomach clenched when she realized he'd been staring— sneering— at her brother and his fag boyfriend. Playing the victim, Craig had said. That's what Justin did, ever since he was seventeen and ran away from home. Always creating drama and breaking up their family in the process.

That was what this whole thing was really about. Craig had tried to right an old wrong, and now he was in prison for it.

Well, now Molly was righting a wrong, too.

She wiped sweaty palms on her pants and tried hard to believe it.

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Round Robin Drabble 30 [Sep. 16th, 2012|01:24 pm]

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Title: Then and Now
Author: [info]britin1729 
Drabble Number: 30 follows Cuffed
Condom: Emmett

Brian's shoulder seemed to throb, though the injury was years old, and surely he was just imagining the pain.

The room was similar to the one Chris Hobbes's sentencing had taken place in. The atmosphere was not so different, either. He and Debbie and Jennifer and the others had been there back then, too, waiting with clenched fists and a knot of nerves in their stomachs. Then there were those who had shown up on behalf of Justin's attacker.

Now, though, one of those people was Justin's own sister.

And now, Justin himself was standing beside him, strong and steady.
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Round Robin Drabble 18 [Sep. 2nd, 2012|06:59 pm]

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Title: Clarity
Author: britin1729
Drabble Number: 18 follows Taking Charge
Condom: Brian

The struggle for clarity was constant, what with the deluge of pain medicine the hospital was pumping into him, but Brian forced himself to recall each moment inside the diner, dredging up each hazy memory and running it over and over in his mind until it became sharp and clear.

He remembered the man's delusional ranting. Brian couldn't figure out where he'd seen the gunman before, but he knew for sure it had something to do with Craig Taylor.

He remembered an explosion of pain. Remembered staring up into the barrel of the weapon that could have ended his life.
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Round Robin Drabble 9 [Aug. 25th, 2012|11:47 am]

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Title: Home
Author: britin1729
Drabble Number: 9 follows Celebration
Condom: Justin

Debbie beamed up at Brian through teary eyes. Then she shook the bag. "What is it?"

"Open it, Deb," Justin encouraged.

Debbie swiped renewed tears from her eyes but didn't open the bag. "You know, I still remember my first day here." Vic had told her about an opening at the Liberty Diner, so she'd applied that day and started working the next. She'd never looked back.

It had always been more than a job; it had been a second home, a place where family and friends came together for advice and support. A place to share, laugh, and love.

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Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Aug. 7th, 2012|10:19 pm]


Title: Reasons
Condom: The diner

On good days, Ted didn't even think about his past. On bad days, it was often all he thought about.

Sometimes it would take something completely innocuous, such as someone offering to buy him a drink, and he would feel the heat rise in his face. He'd mumble something incoherent, his stomach bubbling with shame when he remembered the events that had taken him to this place where he couldn't have a wine with dinner or a beer at a bar.

On these days, he'd take a deep breath and remind himself of all the reasons it was worth it.

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Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Aug. 6th, 2012|02:33 pm]

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Title: Change
Condom: The diner

Despite Justin's assurances that nothing would change when he moved to New York, change really was inevitable. Stolen kisses and hard fucks were no longer an arm's length away. There were no nights out at Babylon, alcohol burning their throats as they headed for the backroom. There were no lazy weekends spent talking and fucking and falling in and out of sleep.

But as much as things changed, they stayed the same. During visits, the usual passion caught between them like a flame, burning hot and bright. They smiled, talked, laughed, fucked, and loved. That, at least, would never change.

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Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Aug. 4th, 2012|01:38 pm]

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Title: Pretend 
Condom: The diner

When Justin and Daphne were kids, they spent every summer together. They hung out at the pool most days, enjoying the water's respite from the heat as well as the escape from school and all the shit that came along with it.

In middle school, their parents made innocent quips about the two of them getting married someday. In high school, most people were convinced they were dating.

From the beginning, though neither acknowledged it, both knew it would never happen. Justin pretended not to notice the cute boys in his class, and Daphne pretended not to notice him noticing.

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 26th, 2012|04:02 pm]

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Title: The Best Things
Condom: Blow jobs

The combined scents of Justin, cigarettes, and leather surround Brian, pulling him deeper into a haze of arousal. Justin sits on top of him on the couch, wearing only that jacket, nude from the waist down. Justin jokes that this will cost a hundred dollars, and when he kisses from Brian's neck to his stomach then wraps his lips around his dick, Brian thinks he'd gladly give every cent he owned.

He finds his release in the warmth of Justin's mouth; afterward, Justin spreads his body over Brian's to kiss him.

Sometimes, the best things in life really are free.

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 26th, 2012|03:42 pm]

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Title: Something Like Courage
Condom: blow jobs
A/N: Hunter's POV when he picks up the murderer in 312

"Fifty for a blow job. Hundred to fuck." The line is well-rehearsed on your tongue. Usually, the offer carries a hint of desperation, of bravado. Tonight, it's something else. Not the usual thrill of uncertainty, but a stirring of unease. Not your usual bluster, but something like real courage.

He locks the front door behind you, leaving you in shadows, and your heart races in your chest. Jason had spent a night with this man and never seen another morning.

Rather than weakening your resolve, thoughts of Jason reinforce it. You take a deep breath and step into the bedroom.

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 23rd, 2012|09:05 pm]

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Title: Odd One Out
Condom: blow jobs

"...and he grabbed my hair and came in my mouth." Lisa's story was met with a mixture of giggling, sounds of disgust, and questions, such as "what did it taste like?" that Melanie really didn't want to hear answered. Still, she folded her legs beneath her on Lisa's bed and tried to look interested instead of grossed-out as her friend described her first sexual experience. Then Sarah started talking about her and Scott, and Diane started in about Alan.

"What about you, Mel? Anyone at school you like?"

Melanie forced away thoughts of the gorgeous homecoming queen, Wendy. "Not really."

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 23rd, 2012|03:58 pm]

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Title: Bargaining
Condom: blow jobs

Brian and Justin sprawled in bed, legs entangled, twisted in stained sheets. Their lazy stupor was interrupted by a sharp knock.

"Must be the delivery guy," said Justin, nudging Brian. "Your turn to get up."

"Is not," protested Brian from beneath the pillow. "Got the water last time."

"No, I got water in exchange for a rim job, remember? It's your turn to get the food."

"I'll rim you again if you get it."

"My ass hurts."

"Fine. A long blow job... and I'll let you do that thing."

Justin deliberated, then groaned as he sat up. "Where's the cash?"

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 23rd, 2012|03:54 pm]

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Title: Wake-Up Call

Condom: Blow jobs 


"You look like shit," Brian observed as Michael slumped into the booth across from him.

Michael groaned. "I was up all night, thanks to Ben."

Brian looked impressed. "I didn't know you two had it in you."

"Not that. He fucking snores."

"So does Justin."

"Really? How do you deal with it?"

"Stick my tongue up his ass to wake him up," said Brian matter-of-factly. "Works every time."

"Sunshine lived with me for months. I never heard him snore," said Debbie, setting down two cups of coffee.

"He does it like four nights a week."

Debbie and Michael stared.


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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 22nd, 2012|08:56 pm]

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Title: The Art of Sex
Condom: Blow jobs

To Justin, sex was like art. For one thing, both were areas he considered himself immensely talented in. For another, Brian was often his inspiration for both activities.

When he painted, he knew how to mix colors to achieve the perfect shade, how to add touches of red or slashes of blue to produce the right effect, evoke the right emotions. In bed, where Brian was his canvas, he knew how to use his tongue on his cock to elicit a moan, or angle his fingers inside to make him beg.

To Justin, sex was like art: passionate and beautiful.

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 19th, 2012|08:49 pm]

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Title: Modern Mishaps
Condom: 3 to blow jobs

When Justin's ancient, half-broken, piece of shit cell phone finally met its death by New York sidewalk, Brian bought him a new one and gave it to him on his next visit. It happened to be February, but Brian assured him it was definitely not a Valentine's Day present.

"It means even more that you thought of me just because," said Justin, beaming and leaving Brian to try and figure out when the fuck he'd become so unwittingly romantic. But then Justin was on his knees, giving him a very enthusiastic thank-you blow job, and he stopped thinking at all. 


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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 19th, 2012|05:58 pm]

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Title: Keeping Track
Condom: Blow jobs

"You did not fucking keep track of how many blow jobs I owe you," said Brian, grabbing the paper from Justin's hand.

"You agreed that, in exchange for helping you catch a murderer last month, you owed me a hundred blow jobs," Justin reminded him.

"I didn't actually agree to anything. And the fucker didn't show up— you didn't do anything."

"I pretended to be a prostitute. That's something. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that your debt has been paid in full."

Brian stared at the hundred tally marks. "That took a surprisingly short amount of time."

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 19th, 2012|05:54 pm]

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Title: Penalized
Condom: Blow jobs

"I hope you two have learned a lesson from all this," griped Michael.

"We did. We learned jail isn't nearly as hot as prison porn pretends it is," said Justin, sighing.

"Not when they put us in different cells, it isn't," said Brian, laying a consoling hand on Justin's back.

"I should have left the two of you in there the rest of the night!" said Michael. "Arrested for fucking in public... you're fucking lucky I bailed you out."

"It was just a blow job," Justin muttered.

"We should sue Pittsburgh PD for interrupting," said Brian. "I didn't even come."

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 16th, 2012|11:48 pm]

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Title: Rise and Rim
Condom: Blow jobs

Justin made a noise of contentment, which rose to a moan when Brian's tongue reached his hole. He wriggled and pushed his ass up, desperate to get more of his tongue inside.

But Brian took his time, tracing every wrinkle and ridge. His tongue was tired, though, and so were his eyes, so he closed them and rested his forehead against Justin.

The next morning, Brian awoke to Justin's foot in his side. Then he realized his face was still pressed into Justin's ass.

"The fuck?"

Justin yawned. "My ass is asleep. Wake up and wake it up, will you?"
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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 13th, 2012|12:46 am]

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Title: Art Imitating Life
Condom: Blow jobs

Justin's tongue poked out from between his lips in concentration. The story was important, of course, but privately he felt that the appeal of comics was the artwork, the passion and the talent with which it brought the story alive. Of course, he would never voice this opinion to Michael.

His hand went to the front of his pants, his aching cock. The cover image was of JT blowing Rage, and it made Justin think of blowing Brian.

He shut down the computer and got up to join Brian in the shower, glad to have his real-life Rage back again.
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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 9th, 2012|09:19 pm]

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Title: Imagine Me and You

Condom: Blow jobs

When Justin had lived at home, he'd been too afraid to seek out gay porn online, even on his own computer. Instead, he'd sketched particularly hot guys he saw at school or in movies, his pencil filling in their hard angles, muscles, and cocks. All things that attracted him to men.

He'd often pretended it was their hands on his dick when he jerked off. He'd pictured himself on his knees, a thick cock down his throat. He'd stared at his naked drawings and imagined those bodies against his.

Then he met Brian, and he didn't have to imagine anymore.

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 9th, 2012|08:22 pm]

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Title: Get Lucky
Condom: 2 to blow jobs

"...So, he's practically a virgin, at least with men, so I ask him what he wants to do. I figure if he doesn't want to fuck, I'll blow him or give him a rim job, right? But then he just grabbed his pants and ran out of there like his sweet little ass was on fire," Emmett finished dramatically. Ted passed him another beer.

"Sounds like a married closet case looking for a good time and then being too chicken shit to go through with it," said Brian. "You should have gone with a young one—they've got all the balls."

Part II )

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 8th, 2012|10:19 am]

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Title: Betting Men
A/N: Inspired by an episode of "How I Met Your Mother"
Condom: Two to blow jobs

It started as a joke. They'd been watching Ted try to pick up some hunk, who Brian had been certain would turn him down. Justin had disagreed.

"That guy's been checking him out all night," he insisted, standing on his toes to see over the crowd.

"Probably wondering what he's doing out of the retirement community at this hour."

Justin laughed. "Fine. Let's bet. If Ted goes home with him, you owe me a blow job."

"And if he doesn't, you owe me one."

The hunk put an arm around Theodore, and they left the club together. Justin grinned smugly.

Part II )
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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 7th, 2012|05:47 pm]

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Title: Naked Love
A/N: I'm not sure if this counts for the "rimming vs blowjobs" challenge, but both rimming and blow jobs are mentioned.
A/N 2: Title is from Adam Lambert's song by the same name.
Condom: Blowjobs

Sometimes, Justin tried to decide what he liked best about sex. Brian's dick in his ass made him feel hot. Loved. Sexy. Dirty. Whole. Brian's tongue in his ass was heaven, allowing him to float in sensation, lost in pleasure. Mutual hand jobs in the shower were always a favorite, too, their dicks slick in each others' hands. Justin loved those nights he was allowed inside Brian, but then, he loved to start his mornings between Brian's legs, hard cock filling his mouth and breathless moans filling his ears.

Justin decided his favorite thing about sex was simply Brian himself.
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Outside of Challenge [Jun. 18th, 2012|12:17 am]

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Title: When at Home, Do as the French Do

Brian can feel Debbie's glare burning the back of his head, but he studiously ignores her and keeps kissing Justin. Ted—whom Brian has forced to play picture presenter under the threat of losing his job—bumbles through the entire show.

"And this—uh, obviously it's Brian and Justin. I'm not exactly sure where this is...."

Brian pulls away from Justin and snaps, "It's the fucking Louvre, Ted. Christ."

"Don't get pissy," warns Debbie. "They're your fucking vacation photos. The least you could do is stop making out long enough to show them."

"We're sharing our experiences with French culture, Deb. We're Frenching."
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