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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 27th, 2012|10:38 pm]

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[mood |lazy]

Author: [info]kay_jay_dee
Beta: [info]xie_xie_xie
Title: All Of Europe...
Prompt:December 18th - Red Light Picture

"...Fifth-largest city in Germany, did you know that? Emmett, you're going to love Frankfurt - I did. I fell in love with it my first time there. The culture, the art, the architecture..."

Naked and draped across George's bare stomach, Emmett looked up from the guidebook he had been idly flipping through. "The red light district?"

He would never, Emmett realised at that moment, get tired of making George laugh. "You have all of Europe in front of you... the Louvre, the Spanish Steps, the -"


That got another laugh and Emmett smiled. "You keep me young, Emmett."
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 24th, 2012|04:20 am]

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[mood |bouncy]

Title: California Roads
Author: [info]kay_jay_dee
Beta: [info]xie_xie_xie
Prompt: December 17th - Cars, Trains, Buses, and Planes

Justin had seen photographs of Californian roads, the quick twists and sharp turns on the cliffs high above the sea. He had looked at those roads on maps, tracing the lines with his index finger and counting miles in his head. He had thought of blowing Brian on those roads and of leaving work far behind.

He had never once thought about packing motion-sickness pills.

"If you puke in the Porsche, I'm throwing you into the sea," Brian said, barely even braking.

"Fuck you," Justin said, not taking his eyes off the horizon.

"Not if you puke in the Porsche."
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 23rd, 2012|04:21 am]

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[mood |loved]

Title: Mom, Are You Crying?
Author: [info]kay_jay_dee
Beta: [info]xie_xie_xie
Prompts: Dec. 11: Do you wanna hold me?


One more shuddering breath, a quick wipe of her eyes, and Lindsay looked up. "What is it, honey?"

Gus's eight-year-old face twisted itself up in awkward, boyish concern. "Mom, are you crying?"

Lindsay hesitated.

"You are crying." He frowned in the exact same way Mel did, her 'lawyer face'. "Why? Is this about you and Mama yelling last night?"

He heard everything, that was the problem with her son. Jenny would talk nonstop, but Gus would listen, hearing everything he shouldn't.


"Mom," Gus interrupted. "Do you wanna hold me?"

Lindsay hesitated, nodded, and wrapped him in her arms.
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 31st, 2011|03:13 pm]

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[mood |accomplished]

Title: The Justin Taylor Handbook
Author: [info]kay_jay_dee
Beta: [info]jule1122 Thank you so much!
The first five - Thankful, Rapid Deceleration, a path in Autumn (picture prompt), Restless, and The Last Time
Summary: Brian's not the only one that comes with a manual.
Author's Note: I desperately wanted to write a drabble for each prompt this year, but real life got in the way, so there are 5 in here. The bold lines at the beginning and end of each drabble are Brian's thoughts. Hope you enjoy them!

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[Jul. 13th, 2011|09:52 am]

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Title: Making It Real
Author: [info]kay_jay_dee
Beta: The lovely [info]etextraordinary
Author's Notes: This was inspired by the 'New York Marriage Equality' prompt, but written after the prompt closed. I decided to post it anyway.

Brian wraps his arm around Justin from behind, kissing him below his ear. But he pauses when he sees what Justin's working on.

"I thought you stopped painting banners when you were eighteen."

Justin doesn't stop tracing the red letters - EQUALITY FOR ALL. "It's for a good cause."

"It's for self-hating fags who want to be straight."

Justin turns around in Brian's arms, looking him in the eye. "You don't want to get married?"

"We are married."

"To us. But don't you want to make it real?" Justin asks, the sunlight glinting off the ring on his right hand.
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Gusmas 2010 [Jan. 1st, 2011|01:41 pm]

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Title: Holiday Wishes (Part 2)
Author: </a></b></a>[info]kay_jay_dee
Prompts: The last 18.
Notes: 18 drabbles, and a billion thank you's to </a></b></a>[info]xie_xie_xie for being such a fabulous beta. This is the second part of the story that was too big for one post. All together, it's all 37 prompts in order.

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Gusmas 2010 [Jan. 1st, 2011|01:32 pm]

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Title: Holiday Wishes (Part 1)
Author: [info]kay_jay_dee
Prompts: The first 19
Notes: 19 drabbles, and a billion thank you's to [info]xie_xie_xie for being such a fabulous beta. These are for her. I'm posting the story in two parts because it's too big for one.

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Challenge #166: Glitter [Jul. 6th, 2010|05:26 pm]

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Title: And The Rain Came Down
Warnings/Author's Notes: Death!fic. Yeah, I know - what kind of depraved mind gets death out of glitter? Also, a huge thanks to [info]florida_minxie who beta'd this for me and gave me the title.
And the condom goes to: Jenn and Tucker.

They had been at Babylon the night of the accident, when Justin had decided to go home early. If he had stayed for one more drink, he wouldn't have met the car and Brian wouldn't be standing beside a grave with his hands in his pockets. They had danced, he remembered, they had danced and laughed and drank.

But now everything was different. Justin was gone. Everybody was wearing black coats instead of tight jeans. The only thumpa-thumpa came from Brian's relentless heartbeat.

And rain had replaced the glitter that used to fall down around them.
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Challenge #166: Glitter [Jul. 6th, 2010|03:25 pm]

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Title:  The Problem With Glitter
Warnings/Author's Notes: This was orignally sad. Then it got silly.
And the condom goes to: Jenn and Tucker.

The problem with glitter, Justin decided, was that it got everywhere. And once it was there, it stuck. He had washed his hair last night after Babylon, but this morning, he had woken up with glitter covering his pillow. How did Emmett do this every night?

And talking of Emmett, if he ever came near Justin again saying, "Just a little bit", Justin would run. He would run very far away. Because to Emmett, a little bit of glitter meant a lot.

Brian's raised voice came from the bedroom. "Justin, why the fuck is there glitter on my bed?"
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Challenge #164: Hot [Jun. 22nd, 2010|04:59 pm]

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Title: Heat Wave 1-3
Warnings/Author's Notes: My first attempt at Queer as Folk fanfiction. The last one was probably subconsciously inspired by happier_bunny's heatwave bunny. A billion thank you's to Xie for reading these for me and telling me that they were good.
And the condom goes to: Two to Ben and Michael, one to Debbie and Carl.

Heat Wave )
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