Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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Ooops... [Jan. 10th, 2009|10:37 pm]

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I have updated the entries with two additional drabbles I had missed... the master lists have been edited, but if you already read the last post, please read it again and check out drabbles #49 and #50. So sorry to the authors!

Submissions 44-48 50
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Small things made large, phase 1 is posted! [Jan. 10th, 2009|12:11 pm]

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I've finished posting all 48 50 drabbles submitted for phase 1 of the "Small things made large" challenge!

I hope you enjoy the drabbles for themselves, and leave the authors lots of love... there are some dazzling stories here!

But I also hope you sign up to write a longer fic (at least 500 words) inspired by, or as a sequel to, at least one of these drabbles. The full details of the second phase of the challenge, and a place to sign up, can be found here -- as can information on how to find, or sign up to be, a beta reader.

Below the cut is the complete list of authors who submitted a drabble for phase one of this challenge; several submitted more than one. Also below the cut is a master list of phase one entries, to make it easier for you to browse them.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated so far and who will sign up for the next phase. I'm looking forward to it so much!

Authors Master List, Phase One )

Submissions Master List, Phase One )

As always -- email me at xie.kay@gmail.com if you have a correction, if I forgot your submission, if I screwed something up, or if you are not on the list of authors and should be. I did my best, but I'm only human.

And if you're an author, don't forget to track the posts with your drabbles in them if you want to see the feedback they receive both here and on LiveJournal -- all submissions were crossposted to both IJ and LJ, and the LJ master list is here.

Thanks, everyone! Have fun!
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Small things made large: 1-4 [Jan. 10th, 2009|12:09 pm]

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1-4 )
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Small things made large: 5-9 [Jan. 10th, 2009|12:07 pm]

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5-9 )
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Small things made large: 10-14 [Jan. 10th, 2009|12:05 pm]

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10-14 )
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Small things made large: 15-19 [Jan. 10th, 2009|12:00 pm]

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15-19 )
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Small things made large: 20-23 [Jan. 10th, 2009|11:58 am]

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20-23 )
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Small things made large: 24-28 [Jan. 10th, 2009|11:55 am]

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24-28 )
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Small things made large: 29-33 [Jan. 10th, 2009|11:53 am]

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29-33 )
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Small things made large: 34-39 [Jan. 10th, 2009|11:44 am]

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34-39 )
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Small things made large: 40-43 [Jan. 10th, 2009|11:42 am]

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40-43 )
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Small things made large: 44-50 [Jan. 10th, 2009|11:39 am]

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44-50 )
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