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Providence, RI RPG

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[27 09 08]

What: Text messages that Kate sends out
When: About 1:30 AM

Jamie )

Yvette )

Jason )

[27 09 08]

Who: Kate and Kaycee
Where: Kate’s dorm room
When: Evening
What: Kaycee is dropping off Kate’s car, and then the two of them drink a lot.

The thing was, Kate was really lazy and had spent all of last year at Providence with no car and really didn’t want to do it again )

[25 09 08]

Who: Kaycee and Jim
When: Thursday (Backdate?)
Where: The Gallery
What: Picture Time!
Rating: TBD. Kaycee is feisty.

Cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers incoming! )

[24 09 08]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Just Friends - Nine Black Alps ]

who: Nic & Jamie
what: Meeting
when: Around 8pm
where: Starbucks!

She doesn't know how to relax. )

Heartbreaks-R-Us. [23 09 08]

WHO: Jason & Kate
WHAT: The break-up phonecall.
WHEN: Backdated to November.
WHERE: Jason's in Seattle, Kate's in Providence.
RATING: PG-13 for a little tiny bit of language.
OPEN? Nope, AIM log.

Kate had decided a few days ago that she needed to break up with Jason. She loved him very much, but she just couldn’t do the long distance anymore. )

[22 09 08]

Who: Harley, and Open
What/Where/When: Monday Night at Eclectic Electric Tattoo & Piercing Parlor
Warnings: Harley has a foul mouth.

He'd holed himself up in his office, working on a design, during the down time. he could hear the bells chime at the front door if anyone came in, and stuck his head out to see. Mondays were usually fairly quiet, Thursday through Saturday where his busiest nights. His staff could manage the customers during the week. Harley trusted them to do their job, and leave him to do whatever he was doing. It was a perfect set up. He didn't bother them, they didn't bother him.

He swung his office door open just after 8, so he could keep an eye on the shop. One of his artists had called in sick, and there wasn't exactly a substitute list for people working in a tattoo parlor. Harley would have to fill in for him, if the need arose. He didn't mind the work, sometimes when he sat alone in his office, he missed working the floor, etching ink into tender flesh. It was a passion, and Harley had been neglecting it lately. He needed to get back on the floor, and for that reason he hoped someone would come in for him to work on.

The hardest part, and the main reason he'd cut back on his floor time, was because of the obliglitory conversation. Harley wasn't a big talker. He didn't do small talk. He didn't discuss the big things. He would be content to do his work in complete silence, which was the situation when he worked on his designs. He offered more originals than any other shop in the area. He offered personalised service, if a customer had an idea, or a picture they wanted turned into a tattoo.

He continued to work on his latest design, half listening and hoping the door would open out front.

[21 09 08]

who: Nic, Kate, & Jason
when: Monday afternoon
where: A vacant warehouse
open: To [info]stillnotkatie & [info]jmurph

Dad was Colonel Homer... )

[19 09 08]

Who: Kaycee and Mitch
What: Kaycee finally comes home after a spectacular night on the town.
When: Tuesday Morning
Where: Casa Sadler
Rating: Probably not high, maybe language

Daylight come and me wanna go home... )

[18 09 08]

who: Delilah & Eddie
what: Finally meeting
when: Thursday afternoon
where: The Mall
rating: Probably not very high
open: To [info]mrhargraves

The lost boy. )

FOR MILES! [16 09 08]

what: Delilah leaving Miles' a voicemail
when: During this

One New Voicemail )

[15 09 08]

Who: Kate and Jamie
Where: Jamie’s apartment on campus
When: Early evening
What: Study time! Or, attempting to study.

her Monday classes confirmed how craptastic the week was going to be )

[15 09 08]

Who: Jay, Kyle, and the kids
What: Dinner and talk of moving in together!
When: Dinnertime?
Where: Jay's pad
Rating: PG like Disney?

Just call me Mr. Maturity )

[15 09 08]

Who: Papa Wicks, Mama Wicks and Baby Wicks. Or Tyler, Peyton and special guest, Emily.
What: Family dinner!
When: Monday evening
Where: The Wicks Residence

There were times in Tyler's life when he felt a little useless, a little too clumsy for his own good, and all together hopeless. But he hadn't felt like that in ages. )

[15 09 08]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Who: Deeelilah and Kaycee! Aaaaaaand Miles!
Where: Out on the town!
What: Going out sure is handy with faux IDs.

It's only illegal if you get caught... )

[15 09 08]

who VW Bug [info]saab, Bonny Portmore [info]eithne & Sex on Wheels [info]aokeefe
where Murph's Irish Pub
when Monday night, because they don't know the word "STOP"
rating HIGH.

Why can we not be sober? )

[14 09 08]

[ mood | hungry ]

who: Brinkley & Nathan
what: Literally bumping into one another
when: Sunday afternoon/evening
where: Whole Foods
rating: tbd
open: To [info]reednate

Grading on a curve? Psht. )

[13 09 08]

Who: Kate and Nic
Where: Local coffee house just a few blocks from Brown Campus
When: Sunday, early afternoon

Kate had been living like a hermit ever since school started, and she wasn’t enjoying it but she really didn’t have a choice )

E-mail [11 09 08]

To: [info]nhunter
From: [info]stillnotkatie
Subject: Photography Project

Read more... )

[08 09 08]

who: Aimee and whoever
what: Working late at night
when: Sunday late night
where: Going to go outside
rating: PG for now, but we'll see what happens...
open: to anyone =D

Two beds and a coffee machine )

[07 09 08]

[ mood | giddy ]

who: Nic & Jason
what: Watching the VMAs. Nic's trying to anyway.
when: Sunday night
where: Nic's apartment
rating: Mature
open: To [info]jmurph!

I banish you. You're banished. )

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