Mar. 1st, 2011


Who: Emily and Lulah.
What: Science project!
When: Today, afternoonish.
Where: School library, in the it's-okay-to-talk parts.
Status: Incomplete.
Warnings: Emily being Emily + Lulah being Lulah = one sided conversations galore!

stare up at the ceiling. preview of a screening. flashback of a feeling. sick sense of a calling. )

Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: Leif and Talulah Ramesy
What: A mysterious/ominous meeting, as requested by Leif.
When: Feb 15, after school.
Where: Animus common room, the out-of-the-way corner parts.
Status: Incomplete.
Warnings: BLANKET LEIF WARNINGS and Lulah being the doormat that she is.

don't try to fix me, i'm not broken. hello, i'm the lie. living for you so you can hide. )