Mar. 12th, 2011


Who: Trudy Lane, Blake Chandler
What: Trudy attempts to find a rat free zone
When: Thursday February 24th, Dinner time
Where: The Library
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

Somewhere in L-space )

Mar. 11th, 2011


Email to Vice Principal Watts )

Mar. 10th, 2011


[time update] thursday, february 24, 2011

Weather: Sunrise at 6:15 AM. Sunset at 5:56 PM.
It will be cloudy all day with a high of 35°F and a low of 30°F.

Lunch: Today's lunch will be Spicy Chicken and Broccoli Stir-Fry.

Dinner: The dinning room will be serving Ginger Pork Chops with Whipped Potatoes!

• Rodents are still running wild all over Powerton as student and teacher alike do their best to get rid of them. Early in the day Vice Principal Watts called Ira Darling and Sia Sanchez into her office; while she let them get away with the stunt they pulled in the cafeteria, she would not let them get away with this unpunished. The two students were given two weeks of detention, though their guilt was never determined.