Feb. 24th, 2011


Who: Frankie and Trudy
Where: Outside of the Terra dorm
When: After curfew
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Show me what it looks like outside your window at twilight. )

Feb. 20th, 2011


Who: Frankie Carson and Leif Ramesy
Where: Leif's boarded-up warehouse HQ.
What: Frankie and Leif sneak off-campus for the night for illegal activities. And hopefully get back to campus before morning classes!
Rating: Hiiiiigh. Warning. NSFW.
And we stood like tin soldiers in the night. )

Feb. 16th, 2011


Who: Frankie and Annie
What: Frankie makes her a Valentine's Day mix CD and leaves it in her room.
When: Futuredated to Feb 14.
Where: Annie's room to start, then Frankie's.
Rating: Low.


Feb. 15th, 2011


Who. Audrey ([info]brightestfuture) and Frankie ([info]feltaspark).
What. Audrey runs into Frankie when she takes a trip to the library.
When. Backdated to the day after the Audrey and Leif thread.
Where. The library.
Status. Complete, AIM log.
Rating. Low.

Is that gonna be my new nickname from now on, 'cause I've gotta say, I've heard better. )

Feb. 13th, 2011


Who: Frankie and Annabelle [info]alleviator
Where: The library
When: Sunday, just after lunch.
What: Frankie takes a look at her broken laptop.
Rating: Probably pretty low, I'd imagine.
Status: In progress.

Enter command code here. )

Feb. 5th, 2011


Who: Frankie and Femi
Where: Powerton Campus Grounds, near his dorm building.
When: His first day on campus.
Rating: Undetermined, probably low.
What: The new guy arrives on the scene.

There's no place like )