Feb. 23rd, 2011


Who: Blake Chandler and Anastasia Sanchez
What: First time meeting
When: February 16/Afternoon
Where: Lord of the Fries
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG


Who: Eddie East & Dan McKee
When: Wednesday morning, reveille
Where: Animus junior boys' dorm
What: Eddie's tradition of waking Dan up creatively on Wednesdays ends painfully this week.

Getting out of bed was definitely on the Top Five List of Things Dan McKee Hated Most. )


Who: Josh and Connie
What: Josh wants to be Mr. Powerton, Connie is a helpful friend!
When: Feb 16, sometime.
Where: School library, in the it's-okay-to-talk parts.
Status: Incomplete.

i can't help it if i'm happy. i can't help it if i'm happy not to be sad. )

Feb. 22nd, 2011


Who: Andrew Park & Rashida Quraish
When: Following Rashida's challenge
Where: The power training room, after-hours
What: Rival heads of house face off!

I read with every broken heart we should become more adventurous. )


[time update] wednesday, february 16, 2011

Weather: Sunrise at 6:42 AM. Sunset at 5:37 PM.
Today will be cloudy with a high of 29°F and a low of 20°F.

Lunch: Today's lunch will be the choice of Fish and Chips or Reuben Sandwiches.

Dinner: Beef stew will be served in the dinning room this evening.

• Vice Principal Watts makes a statement regarding Valentine's Day. As far as she is concerned there was no reason for the sudden outbreak of amorous feelings and students who insist on such outward displays of affection will face disciplinary punishment. Principal Watts has yet to address the event and, from his behavior, probably never will.

• During the last period of class it is announced that the Spring Formal will be April 22nd. Students are encouraged to come out in their nicest apparel. Sign-up sheets are posted all over campus for those wishing to compete for the Mr. & Ms. Powerton title. The sign-up deadline is February 28th!