Mar. 15th, 2011


explosions! [backdated post!]

Who: Emily Reilly ([info]emreilly) and Joshua Holloway ([info]gyrokinesis).
What: Emily experiments with blowing things up on purpose.
When: Wednesday, February 23 after classes [backdated]
Where: Outside the Inflecto dorm, probably away from where teachers are going to be watching.
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: Rated E for Explosions!

Normally, Emily wasn't terribly keen on the part of her powers that allowed her to blow things up... )

Mar. 7th, 2011


MR. & MS. POWERTON CAMPAIGNS: josh holloway & chloe brandston

Starting Monday, the following posters could be found around school (only placed where allowed! although Josh would have handed them out before getting bored), in different colours and occasionally with random glitter: one two three four five six!

Starting Tuesday, the following posters could be found around school, obviously not made by Josh (since, uh, yeah just look at them), although the other ones continue to stay up/be put up: one & two (CHLOE)!

Mar. 2nd, 2011


Who: Chloe Brandston & Joshua Holloway.
What: tba!
When: February 20th, 2011, Sunday evening.
Where: tba.
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: tba.

placeholder )

Feb. 23rd, 2011


Who: Josh and Connie
What: Josh wants to be Mr. Powerton, Connie is a helpful friend!
When: Feb 16, sometime.
Where: School library, in the it's-okay-to-talk parts.
Status: Incomplete.

i can't help it if i'm happy. i can't help it if i'm happy not to be sad. )

Feb. 19th, 2011


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Who: Emily Reilly ([info]emreilly) and Josh Holloway ([info]gyrokinesis)
What: ~Love is in the air!~
When: February 14th (Valentine's Day!), morning
Where: Inflecto dormitory
Status: Complete
Rating: Tame.

...she wasn't exactly a morning person. )