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Sep. 12th, 2008


Porn Battle 5: Bigger, Longer and Uncut!

Yes, it's time for another Porn Battle!!

We've instituted a few changes, two of which are important right now.


We've gotten to the point where we really need to crack down on the formatting rules. Sorting all the prompts is a huge job and it's made a great deal more difficult and frustrating if we have to reformat a quarter of the prompts along the way. So, as hard as it is for me to say this because I'm all about including and not excluding, if you do not format your prompt correctly, we will discard it.

Formatting rules (which will be posted again with examples when we call for prompts):

Fandom, Pairing, prompt word, lyric/phrase (optional)

Use commas to separate each element. Not en or em dashes! Not colons! Not semi colons! Commas.

Use the full name of the fandom. No abbreviations with the following exception:

Because the games are listed this way, Final Fantasy prompts will be as follows, using the Roman numerals: Final Fantasy VII. Not Final Fantasy 7, or Final Fantasy Seven, or FF VII.

If there's a "The" in the title, we'll use it. So it's "The Chronicles of Narnia". Not Chronicles of Narnia or Narnia. We know that this is not common alphabetizing practice, but using the full name of each and every fandom makes it easier for everyone involved. It's easier for us because we only have to sort things once and it's easier for you because you'll know exactly where to go to find any given fandom.

Each prompt must be seperate. If you have a fandom and a pairing and then six different prompt words for that pairing, post them as six different prompts instead of combining them all on one line.

Use "crossover" not "crossovers."

We hope you understand that we're not being arbitrary here. Each formatting rule is designed to make this whole process run as smoothly as possible.

2. The schedule's been changed a little because the time it takes to compile the list of prompts gets longer every time we do this. We'll be taking prompts a day earlier so we can have a whole day for the mods to get the prompt list complied. And of course, there's nothing to stop you from writing during that period, so it won't really slow you down. :) We've also added an extra day at the end, so you'll have more time to write more porn; this makes it easier if you happen to have other things to do on the weekend.

Sunday morning, September 14 -- prompt post goes up
Tuesday evening, September 16 -- prompt post closes
Wednesday, September 17 -- mod has all day to compile prompts
Thursday morning, September 18 -- prompt lists go up/battle begins
Wednesday evening, September 24 -- battle ends
Thursday sometime, September 25 -- list of fics and stats go up

One other change: When you link to a comment on IJ, the link doesn't go directly to the comment the way it does on LJ. Therefore, when the link to a Porn Battle fic is posted, you still have to scroll down through the entire list of prompts, which is just a huge pain in the ass. Also, given the ever increasing number of prompts, we could end up in a situation where we have something like five prompt posts, and that's just a little ridiculous. So....

The prompts list will be posted off-site. It will be neatly cut into easily digested pieces so that you can either go straight to any given fandom, or shop around at your leisure.

If you have any questions about any of this, this is the time/place to ask them.

Jun. 19th, 2008


Round Four: The Stats

Okay, I'm doing the stats a little differently this time, and unless a lot of you feel really strongly about it, we'll be doing it this way from now on.

290 stories
101 Fandoms
72 - writers

Top Ten Writers:
mithrigil - 20 (tied)
pegunicent - 20 (tied)
katekintail - 15
chichirinoda - 13
ladynero - 12
branchandroot - 10
cetus_nightmare - 10 (tied)
mitsuhachi - 10 (tied)
icedark_elf - 9
bitterfig - 7 (tied)
helens78 - 7 (tied)

There were also 12 anonymous posters

Top Ten Fandoms:

Final Fantasy VII - 34
Final Fantasy XII - 16 (tied)
Yami no Matsuei - 16 (tied)
Bleach - 10 (tied)
Iron Man - 10 (tied)
Supernatural - 9
Kingdom Hearts - 8 (tied)
Saiunkoku Monogatari - 8 (tied)
The Chronicles of Narnia - 8 (tied)
The Venture Bros - 8 (tied)

There were 8 RPF(actor) fics and 13 Crossovers.


Round Four: The Masterlist

First off, you'll notice that the layout has changed. I liked the look of Dear Dairy better, but this has some advantages like showing icons and also the link option in comments which, trust me, made doing this list a lot easier.

I checked to make sure that all my coding worked, but I didn't check every link. If you find an incorrect link or if I spelled your user name wrong or if, Gods forbid, I left your fic out, a) I apologize and b) please let me know so I can fix it.

Finally, 290 fics! Give yourselves a pat on the back because that's a new Porn Battle record!

I'll have a stats post up later tonight.

From Ace Attorney to Crossover, X/1999/Revolutionary Girl Utena! )

Jun. 18th, 2008



Round Four will close sometime late tomorrow evening, probably around 11:00pm PST.

The Master List will go up sometime Thursday afternoon with the statistics following thereafter. Please stay tuned to the comm after that; we're going to be working on some changes that have become necessary as this thing grows bigger than we expected, and we'll be looking for some input from the community.

Thank you to everyone who wrote porn or left feedback, you're all awesome!

Jun. 12th, 2008



Hi hi! There's been some confusion about where prompts are located in cases where the full title of a fandom does not get sorted into the same letter category as the short-form name of a fandom.

All fandoms whose full titles start with "The" are alphabetized under T.

Narnia = The Chronicles of Narnia
Riddick = The Chronicles of Riddick
Dresden Files = The Dresden Files
Hitchhiker's Guide = The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Check the S-Z post if you can't find prompts and your fandom's full title starts with "The"!

And please bear in mind that we ask for full titles of a fandom to aid in consistency -- some people are going to call the fandom one thing, some will be calling it another. Generally, if you spell out the whole entire thing, the only inconsistencies you get are in punctuation (Stargate: SG-1 vs. Stargate SG-1 vs. Stargate: SG1 vs. Stargate SG1), which will more or less sort into the proper order anyway. But we don't want people to have to search the A-J post AND the I-R post AND the S-Z post for "Chronicles", "Narnia", and "The"!


Prompt List: Round Four (S-Z and Crossovers)

As of now--11:07pm PST, Wednesday June 18--this round of the Porn Battle is over. Thank you for participating!

Okay, so far this is the Biggest Porn Battle Ever! Now it's your job to make sure it stays that way by writing as much porn as you possibly can. To help you (and you know, those of us in a fic challenge with a due date of Sunday--you know who you are), I'm going to give us all not one, but two extra days.

Yes, you heard it right! The deadline for Round Four is (roughly) midnight of Wednesday, June 18.

Because the prompt list is so long, I'm splitting it. This is the S-Z and Crossover Post. Characters, numbers and A-H prompts are here and the I-R prompts are here.

You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)

Please check the list over and drop me a line on the prompt post if I missed your prompts. Also please note, [info]briar_pipe was kind enough to give me a list of some of the full names of the various anime/manga prompts (if they're screwed up, it's my fault not hers). So if you used an abbreviation, your prompt may look a little different. I did make a few other changes involving abbreviations, Roman numerals and the word "the", so please check both lists before you ask me to repost a prompt. Spelling mistakes and the order of the names in a pairing/moresome were not changed so, to use SGA as an example, make sure you look for John/Rodney and Rodney/John.

Let's get ready to ruuuuuummmmblllllle! )


Prompt List: Round Four (I-R)

As of now--11:07pm PST, Wednesday June 18--this round of the Porn Battle is over. Thank you for participating!

Okay, so far this is the Biggest Porn Battle Ever! Now it's your job to make sure it stays that way by writing as much porn as you possibly can. To help you (and you know, those of us in a fic challenge with a due date of Sunday--you know who you are), I'm going to give us all not one, but two extra days.

Yes, you heard it right! The deadline for Round Four is (roughly) midnight of Wednesday, June 18.

Because the prompt list is so long, I'm splitting it. This is the I-R post. Characters, numbers and A-H prompts are here and the S-Z and Crossover prompts are here.

You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)

Please check the list over and drop me a line on the prompt post if I missed your prompts. Also please note, [info]briar_pipe was kind enough to give me a list of some of the full names of the various anime/manga prompts (if they're screwed up, it's my fault, not hers). So if you used an abbreviation, your prompt may look a little different. I did make a few other changes involving abbreviations, Roman numerals and the word "the", so please check both lists before you ask me to repost a prompt. Spelling mistakes and the order of the names in a pairing/moresome were not changed so, to use SGA as an example, make sure you look for John/Rodney and Rodney/John.

Let's get ready to ruuuuuummmmblllllle! )


Prompt List: Round Four (Characters, Numbers and A-H)

As of now--11:07pm PST, Wednesday June 18--this round of the Porn Battle is over. Thank you for participating!

Okay, so far this is the Biggest Porn Battle Ever! Now it's your job to make sure it stays that way by writing as much porn as you possibly can. To help you (and you know, those of us in a fic challenge with a due date of Sunday--you know who you are), I'm going to give us all not one, but two extra days.

Yes, you heard it right! The deadline for Round Four is (roughly) midnight of Wednesday, June 18.

Because the prompt list is so long, I'm splitting it. This is the characters, numbers and A-H post. The I-R post is here and the S-Z and Crossover post is here.

You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)

Please check the list over and drop me a line on the prompt post if I missed your prompts. Also please note, [info]briar_pipe was kind enough to give me a list of some of the full names of the various anime/manga prompts. So if you used an abbreviation, your prompt may look a little different. I did make a few other changes involving abbreviations, Roman numerals and the word "the", so please check both lists before you ask me to repost a prompt. Spelling mistakes and the order of the names in a pairing/moresome were not changed so, to use SGA as an example, make sure you look for John/Rodney and Rodney/John.

Let's get ready to ruuuuuummmmblllllle! )

Jun. 9th, 2008


Round Four: Prompts Post

As always, this post is a group effort, each of us have built on the original prompt post, so many thanks to my fellow mods!

Oh hai! It's 12:39 PDT and the prompt submission portion of the battle is closed. Look for the prompts to go up hopefully in the next hour or so.

In case anyone's counting, my rough count of prompts is 2,386!!

Here we go! It's time to offer up prompts for round four of [info]porn_battle!

1) Prompts may be slash (both m/m and f/f), or het or threesomes or moresomes.

2) Fandoms may be any fandom you can think of; both FPF and RPF are allowed.

3) Please follow the format of the examples listed below; it will make it much easier for us to post the final list. You may offer as many prompts as you like; the idea is to give people a lot to choose from.

Fandom (spelled out -- no abbreviations, please), Pairing/Moresome, prompt word(s), prompt phrases/quotes/lyrics (totally optional)

If your prompt is for a crossover, please start with "Crossover, Fandom/Fandom/(however many fandoms you want to see crossed over)," and then add pairing/prompt word/lyrics as desired.

For RPF, let's try this: tell us whether your pairing is actor, music, sports, or other. If you don't give us a category, we will automatically put it in the "other" category. Please do NOT give us a more specific category (CW, lotrips, etc) or you will just confuse us.

Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla, outsider, I am just a poor boy/though my story's seldom told
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Keller, readiness
Crossover, Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate: SG-1, Elizabeth/Sam, fruity umbrella drinks
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, Buffy/Sam/Dean, competition, Anything you can do/I can do better/I can do anything/better than you
RPF (music), Frank Iero/Gerard Way, being easy isn't pretty
RPF (actor), Jude Law/Ewan McGregor, domesticity, when I get older/losing my hair/many years from now
RPF (sports), Evan Lysacek/Johnny Weir, sit-spin

4) Fanart is most definitely welcome in the porn battles! Go wild! (But please, if your art is NSFW, link us to it instead of posting it in comments)

5) Please leave your prompts as top-level comments! In other words, don't put them in a comment to a comment. Otherwise we have to go in and unfold all the comments and things can (and likely will) be missed.

If you have any questions, please ask!

Otherwise, let's get this party started! You have until late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning (6/12) to leave prompts. The prompts will be posted Thursday morning for your consideration and inspiration.

And yes, you may start writing porn based on prompts as you see them go up (more than one person can write to a prompt) but you can't post until the list goes up on Thursday.

Jun. 6th, 2008


Porn Battle 4: Better Porn Than Never!!

I know this is late, and I want to take the blame for it. Seriously, I got caught up in fic challenges and RL stuff and it's 100% my fault that the porn battle got lost for a little while. I'm going to give everyone a little more writing time for Porn Battle Four as an additional apology.

I'd also like to thank the wonderful anonymous person who gave us a year of paid IJ time! We really appreciate it!

So, here's the schedule for Porn Battle Four:

Prompts post goes up: early Monday morning, 6/9
Prompts post closes: late Wednesday afternoon, 6/11
Writing starts/prompts go up: early Thursday morning, 6/12
Writing closes: late Tuesday afternoon, 6/17

Please feel free to spread the word far and wide; let's see if we can break our previous records this time!

One more thing I'd like to correct. In all the information about the Porn Battle, I somehow never actually explained that the concept of a Porn Battle was started on LJ by oxoniensis who has been generous enough to allow us to use the term. My thanks to her, both for that and for awesome porn battles past.

Apr. 7th, 2008


Round Three: The Stats!

Okay, here are the stats. Any mistakes made here were made by me; don't blame this month's mod: [info]salixbabylon.

Speaking of whom...let's all give her a big round of applause; she presided over the largest and most complicated porn battle yet. *applauds*

On with the stats, then! There were 218 entries created by 70 authors and artists in 91 fandoms and 8 crossovers. I excluded the 12 anonymous writers/artists from the count of the writers because I don't know if some of those were the same people, so please don't feel left out if you posted anonymously, we love you too! :)

The top five writers were:

[info]shiegra -- 23
[info]icedark_elf -- 15
[info]ciceqi -- 14
[info]inarticulate -- 10
[info]mitsuhachi -- 6 (tie)
[info]puella_nerdii -- 6 (tie)

The top fandoms. Bear in mind that I separated the various versions of Final Fantasy and left out the crossovers.

Final Fantasy VII -- 29
Baccano! -- 11
Naruto -- 9
Bleach -- 8
Supernatural -- 7

The raw numbers. )

Finally, let's compare some numbers here.

Round One: 529 prompts. 41 entries. 18 writers. 19 fandoms.
Round Two: 1024 prompts. 136 entries. 47 participants. 54 fandoms
Round Three: 2148 prompts. 218 entries. 70+ partcipants. 99 fandoms (including crossovers)

Also if you're interested in possible changes in the way the battle works, keep watching the comm. Otherwise...thank you so much for making this awesome and we'll see you in six weeks!


Round Three - Master List

We have 218 stories and arts!!!

Master List and links )
Thanks so much to all you writers and artists out there - you all did a fantastic job of porn battling!!!

Stats coming soonish...

Apr. 6th, 2008


Round #3 = the battle ends!

The battle will be over midnight tonight, in about 2.5 hours! We've had almost 200 fics/arts submitted this time - great job, everyone!

I'll calling the battle over at midnight but I won't collect those last entries until tomorrow morning, so there will be an 8 hour grace period when you can sneak in any last fics and art, for you night owls. The Master List will be posted as soon as I can get it together Monday morning, and stats will follow later.

To recap:

Battle over = 12:00/midnight PST (tonight)
No more fics accepted, for really for reals, = 8:00am PST (tomorrow)

Thanks for battling with us!

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Prompt List: Round Three! (Part 2 = N-Z and crossovers)


Round 3 of the Porn Battle is officially over!!! No more submissions will be accepted. (9:00am PST, 4/7/08)

Wow - the list of prompts was too long for one post! Prompt list, Part 1 = # and A-M

You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)

If I somehow missed your prompts, please go back to the prompt list and leave a comment letting me know so I can add them back in.

We close down Monday, 4/7, probably sometime in the morning.

Part 2 = N-Z and crossovers )


Prompt List: Round Three! (Part 1 = # and A-M)


Round 3 of the Porn Battle is officially over!!! No more submissions will be accepted. (9:00am PST, 4/7/08)

Holy frijoles - we have 2148 prompts this time, people! WOW!!! Thank you so sharing so much creative energy!

ETA:The list is so big, it's spread acropss two posts, with # and A-M here and N-Z and crossovers here.

And so on with the PORN...

You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)

If I somehow missed your prompts, please go back to the prompt list and leave a comment letting me know so I can add them back in.

We close down Monday, 4/7, probably sometime in the morning.

Ready, get set, PORN!


Mar. 31st, 2008


Round Three: The Prompts!

With credit to the other two awesome mods for writing all this stuff first...

As of now (11:06pm PST, 4/9/08), the prompts are closed! The final list will be posted tomrorow morning(ish).

We have over 2000 prompts - w00t!

Here we go! It's time to offer up prompts for round three of [info]porn_battle!

1) Prompts may be slash (both m/m and f/f), or het or threesomes or moresomes.

2) Fandoms may be any fandom you can think of; both FPF and RPF are allowed.

3) Please follow the format of the examples listed below; it will make it much easier for us to post the final list. You may offer as many prompts as you like; the idea is to give people a lot to choose from.

Fandom (spelled out -- no abbreviations, please), Pairing/Moresome, prompt word(s), prompt lyrics (totally optional)

If your prompt is for a crossover, please start with "Crossover, Fandom/Fandom/(however many fandoms you want to see crossed over)," and then add pairing/prompt word/lyrics as desired.

For RPF, let's try this: tell us whether your pairing is actor, music, sports, or other. If you don't give us a category, we will automatically put it in the "other" category. Please do NOT give us a more specific category (CW, lotrips, etc) or you will just confuse us.

RPF (actor), Viggo/Dom, fatigue
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla, outsider, I am just a poor boy/though my story's seldom told
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Keller, readiness
Crossover, Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate: SG-1, Elizabeth/Sam, fruity umbrella drinks
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, Buffy/Sam/Dean, competition, Anything you can do/I can do better/I can do anything/better than you
RPF (actor), Jude Law/Ewan McGregor, domesticity isn't pretty
RPF (sports), Evan Lysacek/Johnny Weir, sit-spin

4) Fanart is most definitely welcome in the porn battles! Go wild! (But please, if your art is NSFW, link us to it instead of posting it in comments)

5) Please leave your prompts as top-level comments! In other words, don't put them in a comment to a comment. Otherwise we have to go in and unfold all the comments and things can (and likely will) be missed.

If you have any questions, please ask!

Otherwise, let's get this party started! You have until late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning to leave prompts. The prompts will be posted Thursday morning for your consideration and inspiration.

And yes, you may start writing porn based on prompts as you see them go up (more than one person can write to a prompt) but you can't post until the list goes up on Thursday.

Have fun!

Mar. 25th, 2008


Coming soon - Porn Battle #3!!!

This is your friendly porny reminder that Porn Battle #3 is coming next week!

Here's the schedule:

Prompts post goes up: Monday, 3/31
Prompts post closes: Wednesday, 4/2
Writing starts: Thursday, 4/3
Writing closes: Monday, 4/7

Don't forget that you can resubmit prompts from past battles, too, so go ahead and start getting a list together now for next Monday's prompts post!

Feb. 25th, 2008


Master List and Stats!

The Master List, Porn Battle 2! (Stats will be coming soon, but it'll be easier to count if this is posted; expect this post to have stats edited in shortly.)

136 stories, 54 fandoms, 47 writers and artists )

Stats! )

Thanks so much to all you writers and artists out there; wow, we did great! :D


120+ and still going!

We've got over 120 fics and arts up and we're still going! Expect things to close down sometime between 4 and 5pm Pacific, with a master list to follow. Until then, the prompts, they are a-waitin'. :D

Feb. 24th, 2008


*shakes pom poms* Go Team Porn!

I just did a rough count that showed us to at around eighty pieces of fiction and art.


So, we still have Sunday; wanna see if we can make it one-hundred?

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