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A Post-War Harry Potter RPG following the lives of our heroes after returning to Hogwarts.


December 2016



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Posts Tagged: '1999+january'

Jan. 23rd, 2016



Who: Angelina and Blaise [Grabme!]
Where: Tea shop
What: Snark
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: Bitchy

Read more... )



Who: Rodolphus Lestrange and Antonin Dolohov
What: Meeting of minds
Where: Outside the quarantine
When: Midnight
Rating: Low

So you loose the hounds. )



Who: Seamus Finnigan and a healer or two, whoever's about in the hospital wing
What: Seamus wants his his problems fixed now
Where: The hospital wing
When: Saturday morning
Rating: TBD?

Needle and the thread, gotta get you out of my head, needle and the thread, gonna wind up dead )



Who: The Ghost of Severus Snape and OPEN
What: You know. Haunting shit.
Where: Corridors in Hogwarts
When: Saturday evening
Rating: TBD

Baby, it might sound dodgy now, but it sounds great when you're dead... )



Who: Augusta Longbottom and OPEN
What: Stretching her legs
When: Saturday morning
Where: In the vicinity of Madame Puddifoot's
Rating: TBD

In the middle of the road you see the darndest things... )



Who: Megan & OPEN
What: Hanging out at the Three Broomsticks
When: Friday night
Rating: Low

One for the party, two for the show... )

Jan. 22nd, 2016



Who: Genevieve and Bill.
What: Weasley brother bingo.
Where: Hogwarts.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Rating: mild.

For once, Vieve let herself be a little lazy. )



Who: Stephen & Michael [!Grab-me]
What: I just called, to say...
Where: Michael'n'Ant's place above Gladrags
When: Friday Evening
Rating: TBD

Hello from the outside at least I can say that I've tried to tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart but it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart any more )



Who: Oliver & Angelina & Alicia (if she wants to join) [!GrabMe]
What: Drinks, games and fun
When: Friday night
Rating: Adulty times, NSFW

It's all fun and games until... )



Who: Luna & Neville
What: Cuddling and Conversing
When: Friday afternoon
Rating: C for cute.

It had become dark once again.

even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise... )



Who: Renwick Gray And open
What: The painful arrival
Where: Outside Hogsmeade village
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: Low

Tonight there'll be a rawkus, regardless of what's gone before )



Who: Vieve & (Grab!me) Charlie
When: Friday evening.
Where: Great hall.
Rating: Low, probably.
Status: In progress.

Think anyone will be able to tell when this is all done? )



Who: George Weasley and Verity Jones (GrabMe!)
When: after this conversation with Alecto.
Where: Zonko's apartment bathroom.
Rating TBD though possibly trigger warnings? George is moody. Sorry Vee.
Status: Incomplete/Closed

If you ever felt alone, if you ever felt rejected )

Jan. 21st, 2016



Who: Angie and Dean
What: It's his birthday!
Where: Hog's Head
When: Thursday night
Rating: PG13 for language?

Read more... )

Jan. 20th, 2016



Left in a place that Fred Weasley normally haunts )

Jan. 19th, 2016



Who: Roth Mulciber and Hermione Granger
What: If only all cures were this easy
Where: The Hospital Wing
When: Tuesday morning
Rating: Low

And I nearly forgot my broken heart. It's taking me miles away... )



Owl to All Official Residents, Students, Teachers and Aurors )

Jan. 18th, 2016



Who: Melinda & Ghost!Snape (possibly also Ter)
What: Investigating and lamenting
Where: Ruined potions lab.
When: Dusk.
Rating: ;~;

It wasn't an accident. Melinda could feel it in her bones. )

Jan. 19th, 2016



WHO: Neville, Bole, Dennis hopefully still alive idk
WHAT: Literally no idea
WHEN: Almost immediately after Bole's message (Monday night)
WHERE: The path to the forest
RATING: B for Bole

I've got a bad feeling about this )

Jan. 18th, 2016



Who: Bole and Dennis [!Grab-me]
What: Bored?
Where: The edge of the village
When: Monday after dark
Rating: Mid

Put me back together, or separate the skin from bone, leave me all the pieces, then you can leave me alone )