Plagued Logs


A Post-War Harry Potter RPG following the lives of our heroes after returning to Hogwarts.


December 2016



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Posts Tagged: '%21plot'

Jan. 19th, 2016



Owl to All Official Residents, Students, Teachers and Aurors )

Jan. 18th, 2016




If you had thought it was cold before, now is the time to get your hot water bottles ready. The temperature is dropping. The Lake has frozen over at the edges, which is perfect for ice skating, and the snow is thick and fluffy on the ground.
It's the perfect image of winter, so long as you're nice a cosy by a fire!

Happy January

Jan. 4th, 2016



Who: Cyril Peakes
What: A grusome discovery
Where: Hogwarts
When: Monday morning
Rating: 15

Something was amiss. And that something was blood. )

Cyril pressed his wand to his throat and quickly cast a spell to cause his voice to echo through every room in the school.

Auror Peakes reporting a critical alert! Death Eater Lucian Bole has escaped custody and is missing! He is armed and extremely dangerous! Students, stay in your houses! Do not travel alone!
This is not a drill!

Jan. 3rd, 2016



Who: Alecto Carrow, Timothy Blekinsop and someone very, very, patient.
What: It’s been a long time
Where: Hogwarts Castle
When: Sunday Night
Rating: High

Forces unseen pulling strings in your heart, everyone wants to feel safe in the dark )

Jan. 2nd, 2016



To all Hogwarts residents,

Due to the tragic events of New Years Eve, the faculty have arranged accommodation for those able to move in the village of Hogsmeade.

Please use the sign up sheet below to choose your rooms and room mates. We advise anywhere between two and four people per room. Any Hogwarts students in seventh year and under will be required to sleep in single sex rooms, unless it is with family, and will have a member of staff located in the same building. Protective spells will be cast around all residences, and a curfew will be put in place, as well as active patrols.

More information on the casualties will be made available when we have more certain news.

Thank you for all of your hard work in the rescue efforts.

[[Please leave comments below of your characters and who they would like to room with in their new homes in Hogsmeade. Some will be above shops, above pubs, or the cottages that have been abandoned. Two to four people per group, please!

* If you have anyone on their own we'll find someone for them to live with!
* If you want to keep helping dig people out of the rubble you can.
* If your characters are in the hospital wing they can still have a place claimed for them.

Any questions? Take them elsewhere, I'm not Brian Cox.]]

Dec. 31st, 2015



New Years Eve 1998


The New Year's Eve Party

The Great Hall is still dressed in all the Christmas trimmings; great pine trees dressed with gold and silver decorations, floating candles dripping with sparkling icicles, holly and mistletoe atop beams and doorways. The enchanted ceiling shows a clear twinkling sky, stars scattered like diamonds above the room, and music fills the air with a beat so infectious it's hard not to want to dance.

The long house benches have been replaced with smaller, circular tables to make space for the dancefloor, and along one side of the hall is a grand buffet table piled high with nibbles and treats. In the center of the wall at the far end of the hall is a large clock face, slowly ticking its way up to midnight to herald in the new year...

Enter the Party! )

Dec. 30th, 2015



A little announcement at dinner

Ah, ladies and gentlemen, I thought it might be a fitting time to update you on the progress we've been having trying to come up with a cure for the effects of this horrible virus, now everything appears to have calmed down a tad.

As it appears the spread of the virus has stopped - something I think we can all agree Madam Pomfrey has managed exceptionally - we've been focussing on attempting to reverse the, ah, lingering effect of losing magic.

We've actually managed to isolate the virus in a pure form, which means we'll be able to experiment to see what sorts of things it's doing to stop magic, ah, not in people obviously, we'll be using some animal models and such.

I've high hopes we'll be able to present something a little more stable than the potion Mister Corner used earlier this month. If we can continue this level of progression I estimate you'll all be cured and free to leave by the middle of Janurary! Brilliant, if I do say so myself!

Dec. 29th, 2015



Poster on School/Pub Noticeboards


The Hogwarts New Years Eve Party!

Disco, dancing, and drinks, to wish in the new year with style!

All are invited to attend!

9pm til 1am
The Hogwarts Great Hall!

All underage students are reminded they will not be permitted to consume alcohol.

Dec. 28th, 2015



Who: Professor Slughorn and Michael Corner
What: Can we cure this?
Where: The Potions Classroom
When: 28th December

Take this and call me in the morning )

[OOC: Advent is over, the magic is cured, keep your thoughts to yourself! Everything is back to normal except... Well, looks like Dean Thomas might still be suffering something or another. Probably best to just leave him.]

Dec. 22nd, 2015



Who: Blaise Zabini whilst inhabiting Lavender Brown's body
What: Some dreams are much more vivid than others...
When: Monday night
Rating: Blood - large gif

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. )



Announcement at Breakfast!

"Students! As it has become obvious that this quarantine will not be going away before Christmas, Headmistress McGonagall has decided that the remaining classes for the year will be cancelled!

Calm down! Now, we will be arranging for several trips to Hogsmeade over the next week. Your professors will be escorting students to and from the village once every two hours during the day! Please, please, remember to be careful whilst outside the school. Do not travel alone, and do not attempt to return to the school without an escort!

That is all!"

Dec. 8th, 2015



Parchment Posted on All Commonroom Noticeboards


Official Announcements:

Due to recent events;

✧ Students are no longer permitted to visit Hogsmeade except during pre-arranged escorted Hogsmeade Weekends.

✧ The upcoming Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw will be postponed until Friday the 11th of December.

✧ Students are reminded that a 10pm curfew is in place.

Dec. 7th, 2015



The usual decor of the Great Hall had been removed and replaced with heavy black drapes. The enchanted ceiling no longer showed the cloudy, grey, winter sky but simply the wooden beams and stone and the floating candles were no longer present.

Professor McGonagall approached the bronze owl lectern looking far older and more tired than she had in many years. Silence fell over the hall immediately. This could be only one type of news...

"Ladies and gentlemen, as I'm sure you're well aware by now, Mister Ioan Cadwallader went missing on Saturday. The Aurors present in the school started a full scale search for him the moment it was reported that he had disappeared and, I'm so terribly sorry, but it is with great sorrow that I must inform you all that Mister Cadwallader has been murdered...

Ioan was wonderful person. A great friend to many of you. And though you may have not been close to him during your school years, I'm sure his loss has affected you all. I know he will be greatly missed by each and every member of his house, as well as those of you who's lives he touched.

It is unknown who is responsible for this heinous crime, but the Aurors have assured me they will not rest until they find the perpetrator. As your Headmistress it is my responsibility to ensure your safety here at Hogwarts, and in that regard, I have failed you.
I am so deeply, deeply, sorry."



[Echoing in every room in the school]

All students and residents to report to the Great Hall please.

Dec. 6th, 2015



Announcement from McGonagall

[Echoing through every room in the castle:]

"All students and residents to return to their houses immediately! Prefects and Head Boys and Girls should ensure no student leaves their dormitories until breakfast tomorrow!

Any student caught outside of their house will lose 100 house points!"

Dec. 5th, 2015



Announcement from Slughorn at Breakfast

"Ahem, everyone, please. A potion was stolen from my potions room a few days ago. I was hoping whoever had taken it would return if after realising it wasn't anything particularly exciting but apparently I was wrong. Whoever took the potion, I must insist you return it as soon as possible. It is very important you don't drink it."

Dec. 2nd, 2015



Who: Harold Dingle and Gregory Goyle [!Grab-me]
What: Harold is just stopping by the quidditch pitch
Where: The Quidditch Pitch
When: Wednesday
Rating: Low

So if I'm a liar and you're a thief, at least we both know where the other one sleeps )

Dec. 1st, 2015



Wild Magic...


“Absolutely not!” Came the irritated voice of Madam Pomfrey, echoing through the potions corridor, “I will not permit them to experiment wildly on our students!”

“Poppy, you must understand - this could be the cure!” Horace Slughorn insisted, though anyone listening could already tell he was fighting a losing battle.

“It could be poison!”

“It’s hardly poison.”

“Do you know what the ingredients are?”

“ but I imagine they want to stop people trying to brew it on their own until they prove it works. It’s nothing sinister we just need one infected student to-“

“I will not allow the Ministry to test potions on my patients and that is the end of it!” Pomfrey decreed, in a tone that was very much a warning that the conversation would not be continuing. She stormed out of the potions class, followed by Slughorn who apparently had not gotten the message that she would not be persuaded.

“Madam please!” He called as he rushed down the corridor after her.

The door was still ajar, and resting on the table in the centre of the room was the potion – the possible cure – in question. It glowed softly, and looked relatively harmless. The Ministry wouldn’t send something they weren’t confident wouldn’t work, would they?

No one would blame him for taking it.

No one would blame him for drinking it.

And no one could’ve predicted the results…

Nov. 20th, 2015






Confirmation of viral infection present in Hogsmaede Village.

Extension of Ministry Health Quarantine effective immediately.




It’s easy to stop noticing something you see every day. After a while, even the most unusual things can become tiresome and fade into the background. So it had become with the shimmering wall of the quarantine. It was all you would see if you looked out over the grounds, transparent but sparkling. Slowly, it faded into the background. Slowly, everyone stopped thinking about it.

Which is why, when it moved, everyone noticed.

Without sound or warning, the glittering dome began to expand. The edges crept along the ground, stretching further and further from Hogwarts until it was impossible to see. For the first time in months, as you looked out of the window, you were no longer confronted with the distant gleaming walls of your quarantined prison around Hogwarts School…