Plagued Logs


A Post-War Harry Potter RPG following the lives of our heroes after returning to Hogwarts.


December 2016



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December 5th, 2015



WHO: Lavender & Fenrir
WHAT: Full moon
WHEN: Thursday night
WHERE: The Quidditch Pitch
STATUS: Closed | Complete!

You are sunlight and I moon )



WHO: The Carrow sibs awww
WHAT: Together again
WHEN: Friday night, late
WHERE: The Antique shop, Hogsmeade
RATING: TBC/could be high

If only this once, she'd only think twice )



Who: Sally-Anne Perks and OPEN (multiple people welcome! You can create Subthreads if you don't necessarily want to play with Sally too)
What: Sally has a tradition
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
When: Saturday night, around 11:30
Status/Rating: TBD

Did you grow up a good girl, your daddy's pride? Did you make all the right moves, take all the right drugs, right on time? )



Who: Ioan and some...people.
Where: Along the path to Hogsmeade, then elsewhere?
When: Saturday afternoon
What: A trip to the village, and then, exeunt stage left.
Rating: High. Possibly very, very high.

So if you're asking me, I want you to know. When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done. Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed. And don't resent me when you're feeling empty. Keep me in your memory. Leave out all the rest. )



Michael really thought the time was coming when he should start to tell people that something terrible was going on. That he was, perhaps, doing things he shouldn't be doing. Not intentionally, but you know-

Now that Slughorn had mentioned it, it really did seem like the prime time. And someone was bound to notice soon. Maybe if he told Stephen? Or Anthony? Both of them? Would they know what to do or would he just have to own up? Maybe there'd be a cure for this. An antidote. Nothing could be worse than...

"Oh, shit," Michael cursed quietly, throwing himself onto a seat in the common room, nausea running through him again and making him break out in a sweat. "No, no, please no. Please-" he muttered into his hands. Not reaching for his wand changed nothing. Michael trembled, the power building up inside him in a most unpleasant way until, once more, it rushed out of him like a wave.

[[The love spells are still in full swing, don't worry! But from today until you're given notice, four characters will be afflicted with what we're calling the Cassandra Curse. Anything they say your character can react to with violent disgust, as though it's the most bullshit thing they've ever heard in your life, or it deeply offends you. Whatever it is, you don't believe it. Not a word, even if you knew it to be true beforehand. Right now, everything they say is a dirty lie. This includes both threads and journals, though it is not being retrospectively applied.

Harry Potter, Ernie MacMillan, Genevieve Ramsey, Eleanor Branstone. Sorry guys, hope you don't have any emergencies!]]



Who: Lia and Seamus [!grabme]
Where: The Hospital Wing
What: Lia has something to give her boyfraaaand
When: Saturday
Rating: Probably adorable because they're adorable, okay?

If I could I would shrink myself, and sink through your skin to your blood cells, and remove whatever makes you hurt but I am too weak to be your cure. )



Announcement from Slughorn at Breakfast

"Ahem, everyone, please. A potion was stolen from my potions room a few days ago. I was hoping whoever had taken it would return if after realising it wasn't anything particularly exciting but apparently I was wrong. Whoever took the potion, I must insist you return it as soon as possible. It is very important you don't drink it."



Who: Cyril Peakes and open
What: Exploring the old school haunts
Where: Hogwarts - Transfiguration classrooms
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: Nostalgic

Why am I so emotional? No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control )