Plagued Logs


A Post-War Harry Potter RPG following the lives of our heroes after returning to Hogwarts.


December 2016



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September 6th, 2015



WHO: Neville & Justin
WHAT: Taking a Breath
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: Greenhouse 3
RATING: PG, mentions of death

He rakes and trims the grass
He loves to mow and weed
In the Pine-Sol scented air, somewhere that's green )




The crowds gathered around in the grounds of Hogwarts in silent respect for the fallen. Families, friends, loved ones united in the soft sun of the autumn afternoon as McGonagall stood in front of the cemetery gates, the tip of her wand pressed against her throat to spread her voice amongst the crowds.

"We gather here today to remember those who gave their lives in the fight against darkness, so that we may continue to live in peace. It is our duty to make the most of the opportunity provided for us by the sacrifice of the ones we love.

Not a soul amongst them will be forgotten for as long as Hogwarts stands tall. Forever shall their monument remain a beacon of peace amongst all witches and wizards. I invite you to share a moment to remember the names of the fallen now...

Slowly, clearly, her voice steady despite the tears that welled in her eyes, Minerva McGonagall read aloud the names of every soul who died at the battle, every young witch or wizard who was torn from their parents arms and unable to survive the tortures of Azkaban, every Auror who died in the pursuit of freedom from oppression, every man, woman, and child who lost their lives at the hands of darkness, and would never see the light of the world they had fought for.

As she neared the end of the list, a beautiful song began to rise from the centre of the graveyard. The golden phoenix statue began to glow, wisps of golden flame rising from its wings. The song of the phoenix echoed across the crowds, a song of lament and terrible beauty, one that had been heard once before across the grounds of Hogwarts.

"...and Albus Dumbledore."

Fawks burst forth from the statue in a blaze of golden sparks and took to the sky, feathers of bright ruby and amber. It seems his appearance was a surprise even for McGonagall, who paused and watched the phoenix streak across the sky and away, never to return.



The Memorial Wake

With the memorial over, many people chose not to remain on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Those that did remain were welcome to attend a small feast in the Great Hall, or visit the graves of their loved ones.

[OOC: Your character chose to stay, please join the group thread]

The Memorial Wake, for those who remained )



Who: Anthony Goldstein and Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: It's been a long day
When: After Leaving the hospital wing, early hours Monday
Where: Hufflepuff dorms
Rating: Anywhere between sleeping to Ant has syphilis

It had been a long day )



School-wide Announcement

Echoing out through every hall and classroom in the school from her office, McGonagall makes the following announcement for all to hear;

Ladies and gentleman!

I have been in contact with the Minister for Magic and, well, it appears Hogwarts School will be under magical quarantine until further notice. One of our students has been diagnosed with the virus that we have been getting reports of from Europe. Please, everyone, please remain calm!
The student has been moved to a closed room in the hospital wing, and Madame Pomfrey is currently doing her best to identify symptoms so we can ensure this remains an isolated case.

Until we can give the all clear, I'm afraid it appears Hogwarts will be playing host to all of you present. Fortunately, our lower school years aren't present, so you should find plenty of room in your former dormitories to sleep, and the full facilities of the school are yours to use. I'm sorry I can't offer you any more information.

Owls to Hogwarts are being strictly regulated by the Ministry, and they will be setting up a one-way Floo system to the fireplace in the Great Hall to deliver items to us for the foreseeable future. I've been assured that this should hopefully last no more than one week.

Students, you will still be required to attend your classes. Those of you staying with us, I ask that you respect the fact that this is an active school with students attempting to revise for examinations and attempt to avoid distracting our classes.