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May. 17th, 2008


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 17 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 17/31
Rating (this chapter): R
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Additional pairings, this chapter: Remus/Gregory Goyle
Kink(s): vanilla and a bit of D/s if you squint
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 3,600
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different wizards as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 17 )

May. 15th, 2008


LMoM: Scentillation (Revisited) #15 [Remus/Sirius, NC-17]

Title: Scentillation (Revisited) #15: Stardust
Author: [info]pre_raphaelite1
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Kink(s): drug use, nipple piercings, exhibitionism, public sex, cockgagging, breathplay, fainting, snowballing, d/s, dirty talk, glitter, and eyeliner.
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word Count: 1515
Notes: All subtitles and summaries are names and descriptions of perfume oils from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and therefore belong to the BPAL powers that be. I'm merely fangirling them with Remus/Sirius pron. And HP belongs to JKR, of course. And lyrics to Bowie. Click on the [info]pervy_werewolf tag of my username for previous entries.
Today's Scent Description/Summary: When the holidays roll around, not everyone has mistletoe, caroling and cookies on their minds. This scent is a paean to celebrating hard: nights covered in glitter and dusted with cocaine, flutes of Cristal clutched in shaky hands, leather and lace, the Spiders From Mars in the background, and twisting, sweaty limbs entangled in dark corners. Hairspray and cigarette smoke is the incense in this temple to decadence, strobe and mirrors replace the devotional candles, and Bolan sings the hymns. This scent is for everyone that has every drifted off into Quaalude-induced reverie to the beat of a tribal 4-on-the-floor: the sound of Mott the Hoople, Sweet, Slade or the Dolls. This scent reflects the futurism, self-indulgence and excess of the Glitter 70's: champagne, hyacinth, tuberose, ylang ylang and flashing white musk with jonquil, tobacco flower, white sandalwood and a pale poppy.

Scentillation (Revisited) #15: Stardust )

First person to leave feedback gets to choose the BPAL scent as the prompt/inspiration for the next day’s ficlet! Should this not work out, I'll pick a reviewer at my discretion. Thanks to [info]red_squared for this one once again!

May. 12th, 2008


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 12 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 12/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Additional pairings, this chapter: none
Kink(s): D/s, face shot, arse play, object insertion, face slapping, masturbation, slight humiliation, portrait voyeurism, exhibitionism (sort of), alpha!Remus, spanking
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 6,000
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different wizards as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 12 )

May. 10th, 2008


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 10 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 10/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Additional pairings, this chapter: none
Kink(s): D/s, blood/knifeplay, UST, genital shaving, partially clothed sex, alpha!Remus, mirror sex
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 3,000
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different people as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 10 )

May. 9th, 2008


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 9 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 9/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Additional pairings, this chapter: Remus/Draco
Kink(s): D/s, oral, prostitution, nipple play
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 3,150
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different people as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 9 )

May. 8th, 2008


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 8 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 8/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Pairings, this chapter: Remus/Severus
Kink(s): rimming, d/s, alpha!Remus
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 2,100
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different people as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 8 )

May. 7th, 2008


LMOM #7: Wordplay (4/4) [Severus/Remus, NC-17]

Title: Wordplay (Part 4/4)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 769
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Kink(s): bondage, d/s, dirty talk, rough sex, delayed orgasm, mild breath play
Challenge: LMOM #7

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Mine... mine... mine )

May. 6th, 2008


LMOM #6: Wordplay (3/4) [Severus/Remus, NC-17]

Title: Wordplay (Part 3/4)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 705
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Kink(s): bondage, d/s, dirty talk, felching. delayed orgasm
Challenge: LMOM #6
Notes: Almost done! Just one more part left to go!

Part 1 | Part 2

Do you want that, wolf? )


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 6 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 6/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Pairings, this chapter: Remus/Severus
Kink(s): D/s, alpha!Remus, spanking
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 4,800
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different people as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 6 )

May. 5th, 2008


LMOM #5: Wordplay (2/4) [Remus/Severus, NC-17]

Title: Wordplay (Part 2/4)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 642
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Kink(s): bondage, d/s, dirty talk, rough sex, delayed orgasm
Challenge: LMOM #5
Notes: I felt awful leaving my last entry just before the good stuff. That combined with the fact I stayed up writing the rest of it in my mind, made me want to finish it. I've decided to be a little cruel, though, and draw it out as long as possible. I'm fairly certain this is the second in what will probably be a four part series. I don't see it lasting much longer than that.

Part 1

Merlin, that's such a sexy sound. )

May. 4th, 2008


LMOM #4: Wordplay (Severus/Remus, NC-17)

Title: Wordplay
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 543
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Kink(s): bondage, d/s, dirty talk, mentions of felching, rough sex
Challenge: LMOM #4
Notes: So, [info]zephre told me she'd draw me this pic if I wrote a scene to go with it. This is the result.

Do you have an objection to that, wolf? )


LMOM #4 - Fic, Burden of Guilt

LMoM Day 4: Burden of Guilt
Title: Burden of Guilt
Rating: NC-17 NWS
Pairing: Remus/Snape
Word Count: 1,616
Kink: cutting, whipping, bondage, torture, dubcon, D/s, mental instability, BDSM? NOT a fluff!fic - this is dark!fic!
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Notes: No longer either sick, or tame. Written to also be cross-posted at Lupin-Snape. Thanks, Rosy, for giving it a look through! And wheee, I get an author tag now too!
Disclaimer: Not my characters, but my they're fun to torment!

Burden of Guilt )


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 4 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 4/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Pairings, this chapter: Remus/Severus
Kink(s): alpha!Remus, bdsm, wandplay
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 5,000
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different people as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 4 )

May. 2nd, 2008


LMOM #2: Buttercup [Remus/Sirius, PG-13ish]

Title: Buttercup (Childishness)
Rating: Pg-13 or R
Word Count: 1,058
Pairing: Remus/Himself, Remus/Sirius undertones and Sirius/James imagined
Kink(s): Possession, implied-Masterbation, mini/imagined-voyerism
Challenge: Lusty Month of May
Notes: In honor of it being May, all the stories will be based off a flower.

Read more... )

Apr. 28th, 2008


Before LMoM starts I thought that maybe I should finally cross-post this...

Title: Addicted to Circumstance
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Bellatrix/Remus
Kinks: heavy dub-con bordering on non-con, violence/torture, breathplay, bondage, dominance play, mindfuck, biting, some adultery on the side
Notes: ~3,900 words of captivity!fic. With many thanks to [info]zebraspots05 for the beta. Written for [info]krystal_moon in LJ's remus_reads exchange.

Apr. 1st, 2008


Fic/Art Collab: Yes, Master (Snape/Lupin, NC-17)

Title: Yes, Master
Artist: [info]lizardspots
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: Fic is NC-17; Art is NWS.
Word count: ~10,200
Warnings/Kinks: Explicit BDSM. They-didn't-die AU, although canon-compliant up to that.
Summary: Snape had spent twenty years of his life bearing the mark of a glowing green skull on one arm and summoning a silver doe with the other, and adapting to life without either would require some changes. A servant without a master, after all, was simply a fool on his knees.
Notes: A fic/art collaboration for [info]slashfest Round VI. Thanks to [info]islandsmoke for the fic beta and [info]swtalmnd for the art beta.

Request: Snape/Lupin Post DH, they both survive. Severus is too used to being a submissive and it's hard for him being masterless. Somehow Remus figures this out and tries to show Severus that he can be an equal. Dub-con with maybe switching a plus.

Yes, Master

Mar. 22nd, 2008


Art: Moon Shadows, NC-17

Title: Moon Shadows
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/OC(?)
Summary: In the hours before the full moon werewolves give in to their instincts and start the mating, dominance and submission rituals. One liking it or not.
Warnings/Kink(s): Outside sex, dub-con, biting, D/s, big image.
Prompt: #48, In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb.
Notes: I'm itching to just say the other werewolf is Snape, but then I'd have to explain (at least to myself) why, exactly, he's turned.

Read more... )

Mar. 17th, 2008


Fic: NC-17 "Imago" - prompt #48 - In like a lion, out like a lamb - remus/severus

Pervy_werewolf prompt #48 – In like a lion, out like a lamb

Title: Imago
Author: red_day_dawning
Pairing/s: lupin/snape
Prompt: [info]pervy_werewolf #48 - In like a lamb, out like a lamb

Word count: 1,175
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: PWP; mild D/s; spanking; oral; anal; dominant Remus; submissive Severus
Summary: Returning to his office, Remus finds Severus engaged in an unexpected activity...
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP character & settings
Author notes: Beta-read by the wondrous [info]werewolf_lib - Thanks werewolf_lib.

<Read more... )

Sep. 24th, 2007


Inaugural Challenge fic: Dinner Entanglement (Snape/Lupin, NC-17)

Title: Dinner Entanglement
Author: [info]ldybastet
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dumbledore loves his dinner parties, Snape does not. Lupin finds a way to convince him that this dinner party will be fun.
Kinks: Genital bondage (in public), D/s
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling, no copyright infringement is intended. I play with them, without permission, in my head and for fun; not earning money from sharing it. No real people were harmed in the writing of this story.
Notes: AU, set during PoA. Beta-read by [info]cruisedirector.

Dinner Entanglement

Sep. 21st, 2007


Repost: Power Play ~ NC-17

Title: Power Play ~ Part 2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, Lupin/OMC
Kinks: D/s, Alpha!Remus, bondage, bestiality, punishment, delayed orgasm, dirty talk, snowballing
Challenge: Repost!
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?
Notes: It occurred to me that I could simply link the story, instead of reposting, and that it would be a lot less work faster. So, Part 2 will be linked to my Greatest Journal account, where all my fic is archived.

Many thanks to Odd Doll and [info]snegurochka_lee for their excellent work as betas.

Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

(Part 1 is here.)

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