Opus Two RPG - August 3rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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August 3rd, 2009

[Aug. 3rd, 2009|04:34 pm]


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*has settled quite comfortably at Gil-galad's residence in Lindon, despite initial (massive) misgivings and something near a panic attack at the airport but he got through it, despite the near-overwhelming urge to go back to Gondolin*

*on the second day, after a long, long lie-in, wanders out to the patio (which once overlooked the sea) and sprawls out on a lounger, working on the tan he's already started to acquire*

*is offered breakfast and coffee by a member of Gil-galad's staff and wonders whether Gil-galad always has waitstaff or whether he's just trying to impress him*

*sends Ecthelion a short text (wish you were here. sun shining and not an office or recording studio in sight. - g x) and closes his eyes, relishing the heat of the sun*
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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|10:13 pm]


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*is rushing around his place in the late afternoon/early evening, getting ready to go out* *is pretty well worn to the bone (work's been a nightmare lately), but thinks it'll do him some good to down a few beers with Mac, listen to a few mediocre bands, and generally laugh at the hellishness of House life these days*

*has his phone tucked between his cheek and shoulder while he tidies up in the kitchen, his tone dry and amused as he fends off piteous requests from the other end of the line* ...No, I'm not begging off tonight to stay on the phone. ...Nope. ...Yep, that's exactly how you rate. ... *chuckles* I know, I'm your meanest boyfriend. One of these days I'll ditch my teeming social life and you'll have me all to yourself, all right? But today is not that day.

*hears a knock at his front door and heads that way curiously* *into the phone* Hang on a sec, somebody's at the front. Bets on whether it's a Manwë's Witness?
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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|11:08 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*Constructs an elaborate fleet of paper ships and sets them afloat in Ecthelion's fountain.*

*Takes a deep breath, huffs and puffs at the boats to create a miniature gale (idly wonders if it's blasphemous to play at pretending to be Manwë).*

*Pushes his hand through the water to simulate a wave (has a strong, unexplainable suspicion that Ulmo doesn't have a problem with blasphemy).*
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