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Opus Two RPG

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[Jan. 22nd, 2011|12:44 am]
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*still hasn't been able to contact Káni* *has tried her mobile number multiple times, has emailed all of the addresses he has for her and has called all of the numbers he ever had for her*

*eventually, realises that he's going to have to do something he really doesn't want to do*

*would far rather go right on ahead and charter a flight to Delving, ban on Noldor be damned, but mans up and dials the number*
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[Sep. 30th, 2009|11:37 pm]
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*gets his (newly acquired) PA to sum up the recent goings-on in his best friend's life* No, no. A thumbs up or a thumbs down will do. I don't actually want to hear the reports of where and how they made up, just that they did.

*duly reassured, phones Glorfindel and has a rather interesting conversation with him about Gil-galad's cousin*

*hangs up* *chews his lip* *wonders about calling his father (who he's sort of been avoiding for months since he found out who his real father is and since he slept with his father's sister)* *sighs and presses the speed-dial*

Hi, hi, Margaret. It's Gil-galad. Is Dad there?
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[Sep. 15th, 2009|06:23 pm]

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[Mood | blank]

*has spent the last few...whatevers trudging from city to city, alone, and trying not to think about some of the things he last said to Glorfindel* *knows there's no excuse for it, no matter if Glorfindel was lying, no matter if Glorfindel was being demanding, no matter if Glorfindel decided to cut and run when things got more tedious*

*makes some halfhearted attempts to see some of the sights his boyfriend had planned for them (with the help of the chipper young assistants Thor has seen fit to appoint in each city from here out, to lead him around and generally see to his every need) but quickly wearies of these unnecessary and tiring side trips*

*periodically sends Glorfindel brief text updates from the road; it's absurd, when Glorfindel already has his schedule, but sadly, doing so helps him remember where he is and how many cities he has left, too* * )

*is checking his e-mail, of a...morning? when he sees a message from a Hithlum reporter to whom he gave a feature interview (just after the second show of the tour)* *opens it to find the piece itself attached, which he can't help scanning with somewhat morbid interest* * )

*snaps his laptop closed with something very like panic (what are they saying today?), no longer interested in what is actually a pretty glowing write-up* *reaches for his phone and dials, of all people, Gil-galad, mostly because (I'm going a little nuts) he knows the real Ecthelion would think it rude to come to Lindon and not look him up*
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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|04:34 pm]

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[Mood | content]

*has settled quite comfortably at Gil-galad's residence in Lindon, despite initial (massive) misgivings and something near a panic attack at the airport but he got through it, despite the near-overwhelming urge to go back to Gondolin*

*on the second day, after a long, long lie-in, wanders out to the patio (which once overlooked the sea) and sprawls out on a lounger, working on the tan he's already started to acquire*

*is offered breakfast and coffee by a member of Gil-galad's staff and wonders whether Gil-galad always has waitstaff or whether he's just trying to impress him*

*sends Ecthelion a short text (wish you were here. sun shining and not an office or recording studio in sight. - g x) and closes his eyes, relishing the heat of the sun*
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[Aug. 25th, 2008|06:05 pm]
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[Mood | optimistic]

*gets the requisite time off and sets out with Haleth for the drive to Lindon*

(*makes a note to remember to call his mom when they get there*)

*follows directions on a hand-drawn map from Gil-galad's explanations*

*is pretty sure he's pulled down the right drive when the car stops* (*wow, he really wasn't kidding about the ski resorts, eh?*)
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[Aug. 15th, 2008|11:34 pm]
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[Mood | good]

*spends another day entertaining his daughter and spends much of the evening, after she's gone to bed, tidying up after her* *yes, does have staff to do this but actually doesn't mind doing it himself*

*decides to phone his favourite aunt to find out how she is and where on Órë she is*
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[Aug. 11th, 2008|09:31 am]

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[Mood | excited]

*has the following thoughts on her vacation so far:
- Golden Woods are Incredibly Awesome and eerily familiar
- Celeborn really wears on you after a while. Which also seems eerily familiar
- Aro is sort of fun. Sometimes. Maybe.
*but the very best part of the vacation is still coming...*

*arrives in Lindon to spend time with her even more awesome than Golden Woods Daddy*
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