Opus Two RPG - May 11th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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May 11th, 2009

[May. 11th, 2009|03:15 pm]
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*times her return to Gondolin with her son so that the train arrives in late and there is the bare minimum of staff in the Flower* (*really could do without the fuss*)

*has had a productive week in Himring, undisturbed, mostly because she finally hit upon a way of keeping her son quiet or, at least, quietly fretful* *cannot believe she didn't hit on this idea earlier although knows that it probably wouldn't have 'taken' if he were not quite so dependent on whiskey and the occasional tablet that finds its way into his juice or his dinner* *has given him a phone, identical to his own, with all his numbers programmed in but with an extra number or a wrong digit or a slight enough difference that calls will not connect and texts will not be delivered* *knows that in this age of mobile phones, no one remembers phone numbers anymore*

(*also, it's been a little funny, watching him watching his phone like a hawk*)

*managed to complete a lot of transactions and would quite happily cut Glorfindel loose in Himring except that she needs to sign some papers in a bank based in Gondolin (and, really, finds Gondolin to be a rather charming place)*
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[May. 11th, 2009|06:50 pm]
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[Mood | restless]

*after a brief trip back to Himlad to collect some things and tie up some last minute items with his house staff and agent, returns to Ossíriand for the duration?*

*nominally is staying at his mother's, even though he ends up spending more time at Erendis'*

*makes keeps himself preoccupied useful by puttering lending a hand where needed*
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[May. 11th, 2009|09:10 pm]
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[Mood | bored]

*Is having a rather slow day on the Flower front deak.*

*Thinks that on the minus side, the job can get a little dull what with the phone answering, mechanical smiling and light filing...plus she still hasn't met the boss.*

*But on the plus side her skills in solitaire, tetris and tea-making have come on leaps and bounds.*
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[May. 11th, 2009|10:05 pm]


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*finds himself on the hunt for an entirely different breed of monster (and he must force himself to focus on this task alone when every fiber of his being practically screams Glorfindel and go)*

*splits up with Elemmakil at the bottom of the Fountain steps, snagging a House car in place of his own (go, Ecthelion, please go)* *and what comes next is a blur of taxis and phonecalls and green-yellow-red lights streaking overhead, and Vairë isn't anywhere in sight—*

*—until, quite suddenly and without fanfare, she is*

*is out of his car (half-pulled onto the sidewalk in his haste to park) and at the driver's window, rapping sharply and flashing his ID, before he opens the door and directs what may be interpreted as a polite smile (but only if you don't know him or him-and-Glorfindel) at the woman inside* Lady Vairë. Your presence is required. Immediately.
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