Opus Two RPG - August 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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August 16th, 2008

[Aug. 16th, 2008|05:55 pm]
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*spends a great deal of time scouting the perimeter of Ossiriand, trying to track down the Ossiriand Ripper (is in no doubt that the Ainu he scared off is the perpetrator)* *stays most nights in Ingil's hospital room, partially corporeal, while the rest of him shines overhead*

*one morning, before the 6am drug round, leaves the room and travels, at speed, to Ilmarin*

*waits outside Varda's office, faintly perturbed that there's no sign of any staff until he remembers that it's 6am*
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|08:15 pm]


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*is doing OK in rehab (no, really, thanks for asking)* *hasn't had a drink for days and is being weaned off various sedatives and stimulants*

*has just encountered a slight problem (very minor, really) and that is, while he's in solitary (not to be confused with a private, very cushy room), the staff have been interpreting lights-out very literally and have, in fact, been turning out the lights, plunging his room (solitary, not private) into darkness*

*thus, has been unable to sleep because of the complete inability to do anything but sit on his bed, knees drawn up to his chest, staring sightlessly into the blackness, heart pounding, throat dry, until the first sign of sunrise* (*might just be on the verge of another massive breakdown, is all, but that's OK; hasn't had a drink for days and is being weaned off various sedatives and stimulants*)

*during the morning, borrows paper and a pen from one of the nurses and sits down to write twenty drafts of a note that he'll never send*

Dear Ecthelion,

I know I said I wouldn't I did mean to try I promised and I'm not taking back that promise I'm really really sorry to bother you but they keep turning out the lights I think I'm going mad I was hoping you could help. There is no way of writing this without sound like a girl/weakling/coward. They keep turning out the lights at night. I don't know how to ask them not to.

Please help I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. I'll stay in my room. You won't ever have to see me.


*folds it into an envelope and shoves it into his pocket (just doesn't know why) before going outside and sitting in a corner of the garden that gets the most sun*
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|09:17 pm]
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[Mood | okay]

*has settled into a fragile state of domesticity while Maedhros is in Himring*

*gets up slightly later (it being Saturday and all) and goes down to the lake to make the most of the fine late summer weather*

*goes for a swim and then heads back to the balcony of the breakfast room to read the paper and enjoy the sunshine*
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|10:36 pm]
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[Mood | rushed]

*finishes her shift about two hours after she thought she would which would be fine except that her mobile phone battery has died and his number is on her phone and she's no good at remembering numbers (that aren't blood test results or vital signs)*

*grabs a quick shower in the on-call room and dashes out through the paeds wing of the hospital* *is stopped by a couple of the nurses from the paediatric ward* No no no, I'm officially not here. Page Dwight, he's on now! *scurries off and calls, over his shoulder* No, it's not a date, I'm not even wearing make-up!

*makes her way to a Telerin bistro on Court Street and thinks it looks sort of like they're shutting down for the night??*
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