May 4th, 2013

[info]ourowndevice in [info]ofourowndevice


July 4th, 2013.

Weather Report: Another day in paradise. If you're a reptile.

Staff Briefings: The managers are informed of a new check-in, Cadence Rivers.

Daily Events: Not to be outdone by last night's 80s theme party, the activities director from hell is having an all-day Brat Pack movie marathon in the ballroom. Popcorn included, of course.

After the sun goes down there's a fireworks display, with many different red, white, and blue drinks being served poolside to enjoy while you watch.

[info]whentoholdem in [info]ofourowndevice

I'll be alone dancing you know it baby

Who: Nisha and OPEN
Where: The ballroom
When: Afternoon, while The Breakfast Club is on

Like most girls her generation (and of any generation, really) the thing Nisha liked the most about The Breakfast Club was Judd Nelson's rebellious bad-ass John Bender. All the rest of it she could take or leave, except for the dancing montage of course. Still, the Brat-Pack movie marathon was one of the better ideas the overeager activities manager had come up with, and Nisha thought she might as well encourage this sort of thing. It filled her with nostalgia, which she wasn't used to feeling, and Nisha felt herself sigh every once in a while trying to recount what she'd felt the first time she'd seen this movie, probably some time in the early 90s.

She had been feeling a little restless lately; hadn't played in weeks, hadn't really done drugs in weeks either, and this whole 'vacation' felt a bit like a daze - as if she was in some sort of dream reality she was going to wake up from eventually. It might be her mind's way of dealing with knowing she couldn't leave but not knowing exactly why or how, but in the back of her head there was a growing sense of something wrong, something amiss. Much like a dream in that respect too.

Today, as she sat in the darkness of the ballroom with popcorn and a cherry coke Nisha tried to forget, but this movie only reminded her of her own adolescence and she wasn't sure that was any better. At least John Bender was cool. Kind of dreamy, even, so it fit.