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July 6th, 2011

[info]catdevigri in [info]no_true_pair

You Won't Feel Flattered (Ace Attorney/Fullmetal Alchemist, Machi/Kimblee)

Title: You Won't Feel Flattered
Author: [info]catdevigri
Fandom: Crossover - Ace Attorney (Apollo Justice) x Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing/characters: Machi Tobaye/Solf J. Kimblee
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 509
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Somehow, Kimblee feels like Machi is someone he has met before...
Author's comment: While my actual response to this prompt is small, thinking about and trying to write it triggered a very involved crossover focusing on these two characters (set in the world of Ace Attorney) that I'm still working on.

There's a resemblance. )

[info]catdevigri in [info]no_true_pair

How's Your Summer? - Recent Posts Roundup, Inquiries

Hi, No True Pair folks! How are you?

First off...let's see what post-wrap-up May and June brought us...

Newer posts you might have missed... )

And I've added all of them to the master list (barring any weird snags).

Remember that you can keep on posting here. If you're participating in Kink Bingo or any other fandom activity that allows you to double up, feel free to do so! It's definitely fine to do that here. :D

Anyway, it's that time when my mind starts to turning to the basics of the next round...

What schedule would appeal most to you?

1) Sign-ups in the first half of August, posting in September
2) Sign-ups in the first half of September, posting in October
3) Sign-ups in the first half of October, posting in November
3) Some other time

I'd be happy to hear any thoughts or suggestions you might have regarding the community's scheduling, as well as the next set of prompts, or any other related manner.

In any case, I hope you're having a nice summer~