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January 10th, 2009

[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

By Any Other Name (Beauty/Hercules: Megara/Belle)

Title: By Any Other Name; or Worthy to be Woo'd
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast/Hercules
Pairing/characters: Megara/Belle established
Rating: PG-13 for implied sex
Warnings: college students AU (Disney Hall); implied sex
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Megara and Belle with the title, "By Any Other Name"

Excerpt: The two of them had very different attitudes about the arts, and it showed. One night as Megara sat sketching, co

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[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

By Any Other Name (Tsubasa: Watanuki & Sakura)

Title: By Any Other Name; or Begin to Bloom
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (/xxxHOLiC)
Pairing/characters: Watanuki and Sakura gen; Syaoran/Sakura implied
Rating: G
Warnings: Tsubasa spoilers
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Watanuki and Sakura with the title, "By Any Other Name"

Excerpt: She had done what she had to; she would never regret it. But she was glad to have Watanuki here to talk to. Real or not-- he never seemed quite sure of his own existence-- he was here, and he listened to her, and tried to help.

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[info]myeerah in [info]no_true_pair

A Hope in Hell [Metanoia/D&D]

Title: A Hope in Hell
Author: myeerah
Rating: worksafe
Prompt: Leelu and Star with the title, "A Hope in Hell"
Word Count: 100
Characters: Star Tyrian (Metanoia by Jesse Hajicek), Leelu (D&D)
Notes: I'm picturing Star in his early days in the business, just starting to grow his hair out. Leelu is my sociopathic rogue/assassin that I played from level five to fifteen over the course of four years in a D&D campaign. This is written under the influence of the funeral I attended this morning.
Summary: Poor guy doesn't have a chance.

Drabbledrabbledrabble )