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December 31st, 2008

[info]laylah in [info]no_true_pair

No True Pair - January 09 Master List

It's still a ways off from January in my time zone, but I know we have at least a few participants in east Asia, so I figured I should get this started a little early. ^_^

When you post your pieces to the asylum, please come and add a link to each one as a comment to this post. Don't reply to your previous comments if you're adding new works -- the idea is to make the list as easy to browse as possible. The list will be linked on the sidebar of this journal, so you can find it again easily even once posting is underway.

Your comment should contain:
Title: [linked to the entry]
Prompt you're answering:
(optional) Summary/Thumbnail image:

Have fun, and good luck with posting!

[info]jameva in [info]no_true_pair

Bargaining From Both Sides (FFVII/FFXII, Cloud, Balthier)

Title: Bargaining From Both Sides
Author: jameva
Pairing/characters: Cloud, Balthier
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1449
Prompt: Cloud rescues Balthier from some kind of trouble.

[info]jessara40k in [info]no_true_pair

Odd Celebration [Final Fantasy VII Cetra Restoration, Brangwen/Elena]

Title: Odd Celebration
Author/Artist: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Cetra Restoration AU
Pairing/characters: Brangwen/Elena
Rating: M
Warnings: Some really disturbing sex. Biting deep enough to draw blood in sensitive places. Drunken sex.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Brangwen/Elena - intoxication

“No, it’s not worth the trouble of trying to find something strong enough to get us drunk usually. And most wines and beers don’t really taste that good to me. But...I’d feel awkward if you were the only one getting drunk.” )
(Sorry abot the date thing, but this computer's got an error in the date and I don't have the authority to alter it, and insanejournal won't let me correct it here)