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Dec. 17th, 2010


I wanted to give a quick apology for not being around. Work has been crazy for me and if it's not work, it's drama. So I'm going to try to be around more but leading up to Christmas I know things won't be slowing down. I just didn't want you guys to think I disappeared completely.

Dec. 13th, 2010



Shelle here! Well, here's a new character for y'all coming to Lima, Ohio sometime between Christmas and New Year's.

This is Eden Christobel Greenwick, but she prefers Edie. She's a total gamer-geek who studies Quenya in her spare time. Her dad will be an English professor at the local college. Her dad is a recreational T.S. Eliot scholar, which tells you just how geeky he is.

She hails from the Boston area, though she also spends quite a lot of time in the Berkshires, visiting her mother. Her parents are divorced, and her mother has some issues that make parenting not a good fit for her.

As for singing, at this point, she doesn't even realize that she can carry a tune, so she won't be in Glee right away. She's way more involved in gaming and being a sci-fi geek. She loves TMNT (the comic) in a big, big way.

Edie is a pretty nice person, though she doesn't tolerate fools, and whatever you toss at her, you'll get right back at you in spades.

She will also be a nice beard for Karofsky for a least till she finds out he's a total bastard.

Anyway! love her or hate her as you will. :D

Dec. 11th, 2010


It's Sectionals time!

And there is a post! Exclamation point! Excitement!

So there is a thread for the kids in the green room before the competition here.

The thread for in the lobby after the competition is here.

As always, THNM, reply when you can. Have fun, kids.

Dec. 8th, 2010


Sectionals! Holiday Show! Winter Break! Oh golly!

The official date for Sectionals is Saturday, December 11.

The holiday show will be on Saturday, December 18.

There will be some sort of thread for both of these, they'll be THNM and mostly behind the scenes and reactionary sort of things, though there might be performances. We'll see how it goes.

Winter break is December 20th - January 2nd. So, no school then.

That is all, as you were.

Dec. 7th, 2010


Wahooo dory wahoo dory welcome Christmas, bring your light!

It's a Very Special Christmas Episode tonight!

Discuss in the spoilers. ;)

Dec. 3rd, 2010


I have been living under a rock.

I had no idea that Darren Criss is half-Filipino. (Puck will still rag on him, though.)

The head of the Warblers' Council could be Filipino, too. If he has a multiracial name like Philip Anthony de la Cruz, he probably is :-p

Anyhoo, Darren is reportedly coming later this month to do a couple of promos/shows. I'm not sure whether I should attempt to go see him because the venue is waaaaaaay downtown (but then everything is, relative to my house, LOL) and the days leading up to Christmas will be crazy in terms of traffic and crowds.

Anyway, yeah, I had no idea :-p

Dec. 2nd, 2010


Plotting Post for "Special Education"!

So, first:

The Summary! )

Plotting in Comments! :D

[Mod Note: Might I also take this chance to say how VITALLY important it is that everyone chime in? Also, if you are not doing so, you should totally 'track' the comms. See that little pushpin button at the top middle of this comm's userinfo? Yeah, press that so you get e-mails whenever someone posts in the comm. At least do it for THIS comm because this is how the mods communicate. :D]

Nov. 30th, 2010


glee, baby!



Nov. 24th, 2010


It's two, two, two plotting posts in one!!!

Aaand here are the summaries! Wow, I'm on a roll, eh?

The Substitute )

Furt )

"The Substitute" happened THIS week in-game. "Furt" happens NEXT week as far as things that you want your character to have experienced.

THE WEDDING IS NOT NEXT WEEK. That will be later. But it *will* happen. :)

So...plotting in comments...GO!


AFK Alert

So... my grandmother just died :((((

I'm sure most of us will be busy with Thanksgiving stuff this week, but this is just to let people know that I will probably be busy with funeral stuff over the next few days, so responses to tags will be delayed.

I wish I were busy with Thanksgiving stuff instead. I want a turkey and cranberry sauce (with whole berries, TYVM) sandwich with a side of stuffing now.

Nov. 23rd, 2010


The Big Damn Episode Discussion Post!

Can I just say?



WTF does that even mean? :)

Spoilers in the comments. Discuss away!

Nov. 16th, 2010


The Big Damn Episode Discussion Post!

The Substitute!




*looks forward to a Highlander-esque beheading*

...or not.

Spoilers in the comments. Discuss away!

Nov. 15th, 2010


The Challenge for the month

...will be "Your Favorite Childhood Song".

Mr. Schuester will post another rehearsal post tomorrow (Tuesday).

Remember, if your character is a member of Glee, he/she MUST tag into the Rehearsal Post within the next week. The post itself will be open for threading for two weeks.


Nov. 12th, 2010


Plotting Post!

for "Never Been Kissed."

Sorry I haven't had a chance to do a episode summary--if one of the other mods wants to do that, please do. We got a new puppy and my brain is full of puppy fur. :)

please discuss what you would like to incorporate from this episode FOR YOUR CHARACTER in the comments.

Nov. 11th, 2010


Alright, I've got my backup computer up and running while I'm waiting for my new, awesome one to get here, so I'm un-hiatusing myself! I might be a bit slow-ish, but I'm still here. :) Did I miss anything of mega importance? Besides Puck coming back and hating Sam with a fiery passion, of course.

Nov. 9th, 2010


Episode Discussion Post

...this ain't gonna be fancy.

Discuss the episode in the comments. :)

Side note from Shelle: Sorry for being bad with tags. We just got a new puppy (he is a pug and his name is Mugsy and he is the cutest thing ever), and I am getting used to the work increase during my day.

I promise to stop sucking at tags soon.

Nov. 6th, 2010


Back...sorta ;)

I'm doing okay-ish. Vicodin is kicking my butt, so I'm not back in full-force just yet. But I'm easing back in as much as I can because omg I'm going crazy without rp.

Thanks for the well-wishes, they are much appreciated.



HEY YOU (yeah, you!) !

You might have noticed that there's a rehearsal post up.

It ain't there to just look pretty. :D

The Rehearsal posts are game canon, and there will be one challenge and one performance post per month. If your character is in Glee, you are REQUIRED to tag in, unless you have extenuating circumstances--just let the mods know what they are.

The challenge post will run for two weeks. During this time, tag in, thread with whomever (pre-rehearsal chit-chat), feel free to ask Mr. Schuester questions, etc. Eventually, Mr. Schue will post what the challenge is within the thread, and then you can post conversations about the challenge or rehearsal or whatever.

The performance post will be up around mid-month, and this will be where your character can write a tag with their song performance, reactions to others' performances, and again, if your character needs to speak to Mr. Schuester, that's cool too.

Now...I'm going to head off to put my characters in. I hope people will follow me. :D

Questions? Ask away.

Nov. 3rd, 2010



Okay, so my computer DIED a sad death today, so I will unfortunately have to put myself on hiatus until I can either get it fixed or get a new one. :/ I'm betting I'm going to have to buy a new one altogether, so I'd give it about a week-ish. :( I might be around to comment here and there from my phone, but if you don't hear anything out of me for the next few days, that would be why!


A Stu Update

I just spoke to Stu and she is home now, and is a little hurty but she will be okay. She will be resting for a few days, but will be back with us as soon as she can. :D

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