Jun. 13th, 2010


Modly note of modliness regarding the pranks

Wow. You guys are a creative and vicious lot and I love you for it.

However! In order to keep things from getting too far out of hand and a house getting burnt down or something, Shelle and I have sent out our sacrificial lambs Lillian and Benji to be tormented on school grounds Friday afternoon. Police have been called. Shelby will be called and bail them out but will not be happy with the situation. Things should be tapering off over the week and then we shall have Regionals over the weekend. After than, things will cool off (and New Directions can strike their subtle but well-thought-out revenge.)

Fee free to have had any of your characters seeing the VA kids get taken into custody (including Mr. Jesse St. James) and gloating about it, journalwise. Because gloating is fun.

Any questions?

Apr. 14th, 2010


Attention players of STAFF MEMBERS!

I'm working on a "staff directory" and need ya'll to do me a favor. Please make a journal post to be used as "email" and toss up a link here for me please? It doesn't need to say much, even 'email post' will do. Thanks!