Feb. 19th, 2010


Guys! Guys!

Since we've got some new players, some new-ish players, and an old player back from hiatus, I think it would be good for everyone to help fill them in on what's going on in-game! So if you guys would be so kind, please post what's up with your characters.


Jan. 28th, 2010



So...RL has been kinda punching me in the face lately and things I have meant to be done by now have not been finished quite yet. I'M WORKING ON IT! *ahem*

I haven't got the 'Here's What You Missed' thing finished yet, but I hope to get it done soon. I just finished a FAQ though, so there's that. I also did a long-overdue update to the available list.

Also, I think I'll do a separate "Questions" post with the NPC account, simply because I want it to be active but not kill my inbox ;)

That's all for now.


Jan. 1st, 2010


I have a favor (or two) to ask

Ok, I've redone the cast list and there is a it links to character bios. So if you would, please check if you have a bio posted. If not, I would appreciate if you do so. It doesn't have to be fancy, it can just be the info from your application thrown on the profile or somewhere in a journal. That would be grand.


Also! We have lost our Mercedes, so if anyone would like to adopt her or knows anyone who would...yes. That would be grand as well. I'll be advertising again soon in hopes of finding one, if not.

That is all for now.

And happy 2010!

Dec. 17th, 2009



The rules have been tweaked and updated and all sorts of good stuff. Please read through them, it would be much appreciated.

And there has been some updating to our Team as well.

Stu is still your Friendly Neighborhood Mod, and now she has some help:

Shelle - Co-mod, handler of conflicts and benign despot

Joan - HTML, graphics, awards, and all-around awesomeness

Thank you, that is all...FOR NOW

Nov. 16th, 2009


Thought I'd run this by you guys

And I hope it makes sense!

It occurs to me that there are some really great minor characters out there. Not necessarily someone a person would want to play on a terribly regular basis, but someone a person might want to play from time to time as needed for a plot or something.

So, while there isn't a very very strict activity requirement, I was thinking maybe dropping them altogether for some characters. I realize they can't be played all the time and probably wouldn't be any fun to have to come up with lots of plots for and that sort of thing. But they might be fun to have around. Characters like parents and minor teachers...Principal Figgins...yes.

So did that make sense? What do you guys think?

Oct. 20th, 2009


The Puck situation.

Ok, kids. We have lost our Puck (and don't know where to find him...)

And so. I have thrown him into the NPC account and will be covering until we can get one. And God I hope we can get one, LOL.

Oct. 1st, 2009


Rule change

...that was fast, wasn't it?


I've decided to lift the character limit because it occurred to me that I really didn't care. Yay for apathy! ...I now return you to your previously scheduled program.

Sep. 29th, 2009


A note from your mod

Hallo kids!

If everyone could pop over here, and see if I've got things right, it would be a grand thing indeed. And if anyone has CDJs, I can add those too. Whee!

If I've missed anything, go ahead and comment so I can fix it.

That is all.