Oct. 3rd, 2010


Plot Discussion Post is Go!

This is the post where plottish things were discussed for the season 2 premiere, "Audition." Things went a little...out of hand and nothing was really accomplished. If there are still any show-plots you guys would like to incorporate into the game, mention them here so we can work it all out, as was illustrated in this post. Including the infamous CRACK HOUSE. Okay? I know, things seem like they're going backwards, but! Once we get this officially out of the way, we'll be able to rock this.

Also, here is a recap of episode 2, "Britney/Brittany", if you'll be so kind as to click the cut. Thanks! )

And I think that's about it. Oh! And yes, if there are plots that canon's don't want, OCs are welcome to take them over if they can figure out a way to do it.


Can we all breathe now?

...ETA: Something is wonky here and I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix it. So...be patient until Joan can help me unwonkify it or poke through at your own peril, either way is cool. I FIXED IT MYSELF, GO STU! *ahem* Have it at, kids.