March 5th, 2011

[info]high_roller in [info]nd_ooc

How do you solve a problem like Artie?

Namely, I would love your ideas on how to make him more active in the game (and maybe have a shot at a relationship with Tina). There's no risk of me dropping him, just that I want to have more fun playing the character :)

I'm not inclined to reboot him so that he's back in McKinley with everyone else, but would at least like to give him more opportunities to interact with the other characters.

One of the ideas I'm toying with is to have him leave college and go back to Lima for a year - either he transfers to the community college to get his grades back up, or he asks for a leave of absence because freshman year was more difficult than he thought and it burned him out. I think either option is realistic and not unexpected for someone like Artie, and I besides giving him more time in Lima, it also gives him the opportunity to mope around and be angsty for a bit.

Or maybe he just needs to get out more when he's home from college on weekends.

Please let me know what you guys think! As I said, any of your ideas would be greatly appreciated!

[info]tiny_voice in [info]nd_ooc

[Checkin' up on the Characters]

So...where are your characters Right Now!

Lillian: Her mom is currently in a nursing home rehabilitation facility while she recovers from hip surgery. Her Dad is going a bit crazy not having her Mom in the house. The medications she's on have been tweaked according to her stress. She is currently at 4 hours of sleep per night. She is currently making straight As and higher. She loves her boyfriend Ethan. <3

Eliza: Her family is doing very well since moving to Lima. Her youngest sister has something of a crush on Blake. Her grandmother Mitzi is currently back in Idaho, toasting the "ladies who lunch" ha ha. Eliza is having what she thinks are tummy troubles, but will eventually knock her for a loop. She is doing some modeling for a boutique in Columbus about once a month.

Edie: Is doing about as well as can be expected. She isn't talking much and is still on the Cheerleading squad. Her Dad is very apologetic and is greatly regretting their move to Lima.

Quinn: Is doing very well. She's still on the honor roll (though on the lower end of it, currently), and Sarah is healthy and happy and starting to learn to walk. Sarah will also be having her 1 year old birthday soon! She and Puck are fantastic, thank you very much.

Burt Hummel: He's Kurt's Dad, so of course, he's constantly facepalming. He and Carole are still dating at this time. He's planning to ratchet things up a notch, though. <3 are your peeps doing? Spout off in the comments!

[info]blake_dixon in [info]nd_ooc

I just wanted to apologize for my lack of being around for the past few days, and let you know that I'll be back in the thick of it here in a few days. The AC adapter for my laptop got busted and it's really difficult to be online constantly, like I usually am, when my computer isn't portable.