Feb. 25th, 2009


Do you know what your son did?

Characters: McGonagall, Molly, and possibly Ron
Date: September 23rd
Location: McGonagall's Office, the Burrow, and possibly the Great Hall
Rating: PG for language
Summary: McGonagall finally gets around to telling Molly about her son's improper behavior
Status: incomplete

No, not last summer. Why would you ask that )

Jan. 22nd, 2009


Picture Perfect

Starring: Fabian Prewett and Molly Weasley with special introduction from Arthur
Date: August 22, 1996
Location: The Burrow
Rating: PG
Summary: Molly gets a blast from her past when the burrow receives an unexpected gift.
Status: Incomplete

*insert witty text here* )