Feb. 16th, 2009


RP: Okay, this is just getting a wee bit old......

Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
Date: September 16, 1996, early
Location: Hogwarts, Gryffindor Common Rooms
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: Hermione is worried about how the day might go.
Status: in progress

Feb. 3rd, 2009


Rumor travels fast

Characters: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger
Date: September 1, 1996, Late (backdated)
Location: Gryffindor Commons
Rating: PG
Summary: Now that they are back at Hogwarts, have gotten past the sorting and the feast and settled back into their rooms, Ron has a few questions about some interesting bits of rumors he heard on the train.
Status: in progress

But it don’t stay put as long as truth )


Owl- Harry/Hannah

Date: September 2, 1996, late
Characters: Hannah Abbott and Harry Potter
Location: Their respective houses
Rating: G
Summary: Hannah's heard the rumors and wants to see if Harry has as well.
Status: Incomplete

You up? )