Feb. 12th, 2009


Nobody Expects the Dumbledore Army!

Characters: Harry Potter and any DA members who show up.
Date: September 11th, 1996
Location: The Room of Requirement - Defensive Arts Training Room arrangement
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry calls the first DA meeting to distract him.
Status: In Progress

Our cheif weapon is centaurs! Centaurs and Giants. Our two weapons... )

Feb. 9th, 2009


A Fall in the Fall

Starring: Starring Harry Potter and Hannah Abbot. Introducing Peitr the Poltergeist, Guest starring Draco Malfoy and any body else who wants to pop in.
Date: Sept 9th, 1996
Location: The Halls of Hogwarts
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Peitr introduces himself to Harry and gives him a sample of the new kind of pranks they can expect
Status: In Progress

Double the pleasure, Double the headache )

Feb. 3rd, 2009


Owl- Harry/Hannah

Date: September 2, 1996, late
Characters: Hannah Abbott and Harry Potter
Location: Their respective houses
Rating: G
Summary: Hannah's heard the rumors and wants to see if Harry has as well.
Status: Incomplete

You up? )

Jan. 15th, 2009


Escape from Privet Drive

Characters: Harry Potter and Hannah Abbott
Date: August 15th
Location: Privet Drive and Diagon Alley
Rating: TBD
Summary: Harry sneaks out to Diagon Alley to get some time away from the Dursleys
Status: In progress

Look! Something that isn't me running away?! )

Jan. 13th, 2009


Rp: Sneaky Sneaky!

Characters: Hannah Abbott and Remus Lupin
Date: August 13, 1996
Location: Flourish and Blott's, Diagon Alley
Rating: TBD
Summary: Hannah's trying to get a leg up on her "extra" studies, and she runs into her former professor.
Status: Incomplete

*insert witty text here* )