February 18th, 2009

[info]ncm_mcgonagall in [info]ncm_rpg

May I see You In My Office? part 2

Characters: McGonagall, Hermione, Pansy
Date: September 16th, 1996
Location: McGonagall's office
Rating: PG
Summary: McGonagall has found a compromise
Status: In Progress

Organization Cat has run out of Organization )

[info]ncm_dumbledore in [info]ncm_rpg

Oh, yeah, I should say something about this shouldnt I?

Characters: Everyone!
Date: September 17th, 1996, during Dinner
Location: The Great Hall
Rating: G
Summary: Dumbledore has announcements to make.
Status: Incomplete

nitwit, blubber, oddment, and tweak )