Jan. 31st, 2009


RP: Chocolate is the devil.

Starring: Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks
Date: August 30
Location: Hogsmeade
Rating: PG
Summary: Unexpected!Tonks is unexpected.
Status: Incomplete

"That will be three sickles and four knuts, please," the small, but smiling witch behind the counter of Honeyduke's said as Remus pushed the small selection of chocolates and candies forward for purchase.

Once he paid and she'd bagged up the few things, he saw he had a little bit of money left with him and he found himself rethinking of splurging on that one candy he thought Emmeline might like.  It wasn't often he could afford something for someone, even if it wasn't much, and it wasn't like he needed the money any time soon.  School started tomorrow and he was sure he would be too busy going here and there to worry about needing money for spending.

He walked over to the shelf and stared at the display, worrying the corner of his lip as he attempted to make a sound decision on this.