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Mutants - Topics - TIME [Sep. 26th, 2009|07:33 am]
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[ - Time Topics > Mutants]
Mutants are mentioned in 12 articles and has appeared in 0 TIME Covers.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2009
A year ago, the United States heard claims of an 'x-gene' said to indicate the development of super human abilities. Now, after multiple public displays of such abilities, can we finally admit that mutants exist? presents a series on the science and the society in light of the growing controversy around mutants. [Continue Reading >]

  • Essex and the X-Gene: One Year Later
  • The Science Behind the Genetics: Hypermutations
  • 'The Right' Claims Mutants Responsible in Santa Monica Earthquake
  • Sublime Using Church to Explore Research?
  • Religion: Mutants One Step Closer to Enlightenment?
  • Essay: Mutants: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • Outcasts, Outlaws, or Superheroes?: Deciphering Mutant Psychology
  • Video: Real or Hoax? A Collection of Reported Mutant Sightings
  • Essay: New Theory Links Mutant Gene Activation to Puberty
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in the news. [May. 30th, 2009|09:20 pm]
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[Fox News]

Across the bottom of the screen, in bold white letters above the scrolling news labeled the segment 'MUTANT TERROR AT UCLA'. A brunette woman sat in the chair at a desk, looking up at the camera on her cue. "Now in California: It seems all anyone can talk about is the apparent mutant attack that occurred on UCLA campus on Thursday. Around 1pm, reports of a mutant "

As the broadcaster continued to speak, footage courtesy of YouTube is shown -- muted from any audio accompanying the footage. "What you are seeing is amateur footage of the incident -- a college-aged young woman, apparently on fire is ripping through a section of campus and the neighboring establishments. Now watch closely -- you will see presumably two mutants, a male and female, try to intercept the female. To discuss this incident further, I'd like to welcome our mutant correspondent. Now, Tim, you've been monitoring the situation in Los Angeles. Have there been any arrests?"

"As of yet, no. We're still looking into the identities and ability set of the mutants involved, but there have been no leads. Reports indicate they left the scene before police arrived."

"Mutants are a hot topic right now -- we've seen stories about heroic rescues and debates. How do you think this will affect mutant-relations dialogue?"

"I do think it's important to note that two of the mutants went against the other -- either they knew her or they simply wanted to stop her. I cannot say what effect this will have on mutant-human dialogue."

"Do you think these mutants are UCLA students?"

"That is a strong possibility -- as the attack occurred on campus, at approximately lunch time. However, it's a very popular area so we cannot know for sure. They may have just been locals."

The broadcaster nodded as a map displaying the UCLA campus is shown on the screen, highlighting the area that was destroyed. "While it's not a large portion of campus, it is a densely populated one. As I understand it, all injured are in stable condition at area hospitals?"

"That is correct."

"Commencement is in two weeks -- will this affect any of the ceremonies?"

"Somewhat -- the events scheduled to take place in or around the destroyed area will be relocated and the administration are working toward easing parents' fears about arriving on campus for the ceremonies. It's expected they will come out with a statement early next week."

"Thank you, Tim." The broadcaster forced a polite smile before turning to the camera. "We will get you more on the terror at UCLA as the situation develops."
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youtube video. [May. 29th, 2009|10:18 pm]
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Posted to YouTube: freak fire chick vs crazy boy and girl on UCLA campus…. [NARRATED BY ME!!!] )
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NARRATIVE. [May. 28th, 2009|11:52 pm]
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Finding UCLA had been a surreal sort of experience. Society dictated that college was the option Rogue should have been seriously thinking about by now – and maybe she might have given it some thought once upon a time, had her mutation never manifested two years ago. It was like entering another world – a world she was supposed to belong to – seeing people even a mere year older than she was pouring over books or last-minute notes as they rushed to class. Rogue had brushed aside a strand of white and hitched her handbag over her shoulder somewhat uncomfortably as her iPod blared whatever was next in the playlist. This wasn’t a place for her. She was just here to find Jean and drag her off to catch up on whatever they felt like catching up on.

What she wasn't here for was watching one of Los Angeles' premiere universities burn to the ground. )
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when there's nothing left to burn. [May. 28th, 2009|11:43 pm]

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Logan really didn't have time for this anymore. His responsibilities to the hotel, particularly now that he'd brought a certain dangerous individual to live shoulder-to-shoulder with the other kids, took up most of his waking hours and all of his free time; as good as he'd been so far about sticking around to do his part, there were certain things he couldn't give up entirely. Jean. He couldn't go on and just wander into her room to spend some time with her anymore, not after the last horrible encounter they'd had on the stairwell. He couldn't apologize for confronting her: he meant every word that he'd said and his pride wouldn't allow him to back down first. If she didn't want to spend time with him either, fine. He had no reason to go out of his way to make it easier on her...except, of course, that he couldn't give her up entirely, either. The longer that he ignored her presence at the hotel, the stronger the pull to be near her grew, until he knew sooner or later he'd have to find a way to get back in her good graces.

What he didn't have time for was stalking Jean to the UCLA campus in the hours when he was supposed to be taking a much-needed sleep break from guard duty, and yet. Here he was. Falling back on old habits to feel close to her, even from a distance.

He didn't see what had gone wrong. )
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narrative: set yourself on fire. [May. 28th, 2009|06:02 pm]
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Jean Grey waited for the pedestrian sign to change so she can cross the street after reaching the edge of the UCLA campus. Undergraduate classes were still in session and rather than be plagued by the usual senioritis most seniors felt, Jean was feeling invigorated and ready to finish.

She was taking a break between studying, heading somewhere nearby to meet Rogue for lunch. She had promised the girl some quality social time and the closer it got to the end of the year, the harder that came to come by.

It happened when she was pondering idly over the menu, a slight brush across Jean's consciousness that was unmistakable. She'd never forget that mental signature till the day she died -- the first mind she ever read as her telepathy manifested when she was a young girl and her sister died on the pavement. )
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bringin' it all back home, well I'm waiting to know [ narrative ] [May. 20th, 2009|02:25 pm]
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[ Santa Monica High School, California ]

The turnout for the student forum had been remarkable. Sure, it had been because of pressure from teachers to go rather than a sudden desire on the students' part to get involved and be interested in the 'mutant issue', but it was something. They'd taken over the north gym and filled it with chairs, and still there were people standing around the edges, leaning up against walls and generally causing a fire hazard. There was a makeshift podium at the top of the hall, where a few seats had been set out for the principal and his guests. A bald man in a suit sat in one of them, listening to the chatter of a well-built younger man with long curly hair as he surveyed the crowd.

Once the students were all seated, the principal took to the podium, pronouncing his delight in having everyone arrive and his sorrow about the events that had led to this date. He mentioned the students still in hospital before turning to introduce their first speaker - a Mister Hank McCoy, UCLA graduate student who had been researching genetic mutation. There were some cheers in the audience when he came to the podium - and if the ringleader happened to be a short redhead, who could tell?

Hank gave the kids a basic overview of the scientific side of genetic mutation, both in terms of the actual biological facts and some of the theories on the development of mutants as a species. He was actually a very good public speaker, and kept things as lighthearted and entertaining as possible, despite the sensitive subject matter and the fact that it was Boring Science. He had an assortment of materials, including overhead projections, slideshows, and interlocking atom pieces to visually represent a DNA strain. He very carefully tiptoed around the actual issues of evolution or Darwinistic competition, trying to keep his portion of the talk strictly genetic. At no point did he directly refer to himself as a mutant, but those paying attention would notice the occasional 'we' and 'us' rather than 'they' and 'them'. When a student in the crowd yelled a question asking him if he was one of them, he did reply in the positive, but upon being pressed, refused to demonstrate his powers - all the while juggling a few of his atom pieces with his feet.

After Hank's speech, Professor Xavier took the podium, after a ridiculously long and boring introduction about his academic record and some of the work he'd published, including a recent paper about the fear of superpowered individuals. He opened with a joke, also doing his part to be entertaining despite the serious subject manner. While he wasn't quite the funster that Hank was, he still managed to capture the audience's attention with his discussion about the advent of mutant powers, and what these powers could do to benefit mankind. He also pressed the importance of not considering mutants freaks, or somehow something alien from yourself - a quirk of genetics didn't change their basic make-up, their humanity. He would occasionally make oblique references to the fact they had mutants amoung them, but when asked himself if he was one of them, he demured.

At the end of the speech, he called for any questions for him or for Hank.

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i've grown tired of the same old story [ narrative ] [May. 19th, 2009|08:24 am]
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[ Santa Monica High, California ]
Santa Monica High School wasn't a stranger to strife. Gang problems had plagued it for years, and it looked like this mutant problem wasn't going to settle down and go away. The known mutants in the school were being eyed with suspicion, and the administration was concerned that another fight in the hallways was inevitable.

So when the students arrived at school on Tuesday morning, it was to the following announcement.

"On Wednesday afternoon there will be a forum for students regarding the mutant issue. All the students are encouraged to attend, and we will be having a guest speaker, Professor Charles Xavier from the psychology department at UCLA."

Throughout the day, students would find their teachers mentioning it as well, advising all of their students to attend, with a few of them making attendance mandatory in return for not giving them homework for the next two days. Any student who didn't attend would be required to do the suspended homework. Coaches of various sporting teams also demanded their teams attend, with the cheerleading and pep squads also finding their attendance at the forum mandatory. By the end of the day, it was quite clear to the student body that the faculty and administration were taking this very seriously, and were demanding the same from their students.
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so close to something better left unknown, i can feel it in my bones. [May. 18th, 2009|01:36 am]

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For a lot of the seniors at Santa Monica High, prom was a really huge deal. The pomp and formality of it all was part of the package of graduation. It was their own major event, a dance that signified their entrance into the the world of adults. One last opportunity to get together as a group and wreak havoc. )
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log: cal and lorna [May. 4th, 2009|11:02 am]
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summary: With tensions rising at SaMoHS, Lorna becomes the target of an angry group who remembers what she did in the earlier fight. Cal, being an idiot, tries to get her out. Which makes his hair turn green. Which makes people freak out. Which makes the crowd get bigger and angrier. Which makes Cal get into a fight and throw a door. Which makes he and Lorna bolt from the school in the middle of the day. But there's angry sex afterwards? And an evil plan hatched by Lorna, sigh. This is why we can't have nice things.

Lorna really didn't know how to react to Cal's use of her powers and more or less stood there gaping like an idiot along with the rest of the student body. Weirdly it gave her a little bit of a thrill to see them used that way, maybe because it made her realise how powerful she really was. )
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in the news. [Apr. 17th, 2009|01:04 pm]
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[ several news channels ]

"A dangerous hostage situation at Cal Poly labs today was diffused not by police, but by a group of mutants calling themselves the Power Pack. Details about their identities have yet to be released, as police were unable to question them following the incident. There has yet to be a comment from the police department regarding the involvement of the mutants, but sources in the department have said that the interference was not necessarily appreciated..."

"Cal Poly authorities are today praising the actions of the group of superpowered invidividuals known as the Power Pack, after the four mutants halted an attack on one of their labratories today..."

"Investigations into the identities of the members of the so-called Power Pack have begun, with university sources claiming they are the children of physicist Dr James Power, who was amoung the scientists taken hostage during the terrorist attack on his labratory today. No one from the Power family has been available for comment so far..."
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who's gonna save us? [narrative] [Apr. 16th, 2009|09:59 pm]
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Katie had actually been out to grab lunch for herself, her father, and some of the others in the lab. She might have been the most excitable and spazziest of the Powers siblings (and in a race with Jack for the title of Most Immature), but the girl was sharper than a bag of tacks, in reality. While she, of course, wasn't listed on any of the research of test documents, her father had been allowing her to come down and observe some of what they were doing. It was where she had been that morning, before the siren song of Taco Bell had called. The message from her siblings sent ice through her blood and she immediately pulled out of the drive-through; never the best driver on a good day, she was like a bat out of hell in their father's car now as she raced to get back to the building.

Things weren't allowed to happen to her family. What the H, world! )
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who's gonna divide us? [narrative] [Apr. 16th, 2009|10:49 pm]
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Down at Pismo Beach, Jack was taking a break from his surfing attempts to bask in the sun when the vibration of his mobile, resting on his bag next to his head, caught his sun-drugged attention and he flipped it open. Family was important, and Jack Power was on his feet and breaking speed limits getting to the campus.

Terrorists were a thing to not reckon with.  )
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'seems all out of place [narrative] [Apr. 16th, 2009|10:37 pm]

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Julie Power really hated her job at the bar, but since she had stupidly dropped out of college and decided to pursue acting, this was about as good as it would get until she could land a decent acting job that regularly paid the bills. Not that she would ever admit that to certain family members. When she got Alex's message, she was in the middle of a rather slow shift and standing behind the bar reading various audition listings, cross the ones off that required her to "bare it all". She let the phone vibrate a few times from its hidden spot under the count before she grabbed it, flipping it open to read the message. As she ran out the door, Julie yelled something about her father to her confused coworker and said she would be back as soon as possible. Hopefully.

Thanks to ignoring a few traffic lights and stop signs, plus receiving a few flips of the middle fingers from fellow drivers, she arrived at the meeting place in what was probably a record time for the distance traveled.  )
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we're under attack now [narrative] [Apr. 16th, 2009|04:39 pm]
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Alex Power was sitting in his car, listening to the radio when he first heard. The news interrupted the broadcast on an interview with the lead singer in his favourite band, and he frowned at the interruption, until he realised what was going on. Terrorist attacks weren't usually broadcast over the news while they were in process, but the group that raided the Cal Poly laboratory hadn't counted on one of the lab assistants who got out working for the university newspaper.

They also hadn't counted on the children of the scientist they were holding hostage. )
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your faith was strong but you needed proof [narrative] [Apr. 5th, 2009|05:33 pm]
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New York City, New York

It had been an interesting time since his outing. The press had plagued his house, his phone wouldn't stop ringing, and he'd taken to flying whenever he needed to get anywhere. He hadn't listened to any of his own press, didn't know the people of New York had started playing 'Spot the Angel' once word had gotten out about his flights.

Warren had actually been dealing with a different crisis. )
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the holy dove was moving too [narrative] [Apr. 2nd, 2009|07:00 pm]
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[ New York City, New York ]

"How did they get that photo, Candy?"

It wasn't the first thing he'd said after seeing the picture. )
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we gotta go back, back, back to school again. [Feb. 27th, 2009|04:39 pm]
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When school resumed at Santa Monica High on Thursday morning, Terry had actually managed to drag her ass off the couch and get back to school. She hadn't really talked to anyone from school since the earthquake, and she'd missed all the rumours that had raced around Facebook like wildfire. So she was incredibly surprised when someone deliberately bumped into her on her way to math, sending her sprawling to the ground with books going everywhere.

"Hey!" She yelled, scrambling to get up off the ground without worrying about picking up her books. Fight first, pick her stuff up later. "What the hell was that!" Terry's fights at school usually started when she insulted someone (hi Lorna!), not when she was randomly assaulted in the corridor.

"What are you gonna do about it, freak?" The burly guy that shoved her looked down at her with a smirk on his face, his arm crossed over his chest. "Get one of your freak friends to wreck the city again? Or maybe you'll just stick with the school again this time."

"What the fuck?" Terry just stopped short at that, staring at the guy in confusion. Of all the reasons for someone to start pushing her around at school, that was not what she was expecting.


Half an hour later, Terry was sitting in the principal's office, an ice pack one of her eyes and a couple of little butterfly bandaids on a cut on her forehead. The guy who started the argument was not with her - possibly because he was on his way to the hospital to be treated for a damaged eardrum. She glared sulkily at the wall, fairly sure that she was going to get blamed for this whole thing despite the fact that Mike was twice her size and he totally started.


Two hours later, Terry was being escorted from the school grounds by Emma Frost - who was apparently Terry's cousin - after being suspended from school for 6 days. Whether the matter would go any furthur would depend on the parents of the guy heading to hospital, and how he recovered. Terry didn't really pay all that much attention to the ear-blistering she received from Emma, too busy sulking over the fact that she'd been right about getting the blame. She didn't start it!
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in the news. [Feb. 22nd, 2009|02:00 pm]
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[ FOX 11 NEWS ]

"As Santa Monica reels from the devestation of the earthquake in the early hours of this morning, the UCLA campus was terrorized by what witnesses claim was a dragon. After partially destroying two buildings before disappearing, police are looking for any information regarding the event. Speculation is rife about a pubilicity stunt for an upcoming movie, but no one has claimed responsibility so far.:

[During the news report, a grainy picture of a large red dragon is shown in the background flying over the UCLA campus - the sort of picture you'd get from a camera phone.]
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in the news. [Feb. 22nd, 2009|09:00 am]
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"Late last night Santa Monica was rocked with an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale. A warehouse at the epicenter of the quake was completely destroyed, with surrounding buildings suffering significant damage. Seismologists are baffled by the quake, as there seems to be little evidence of natural causes. Witnesses at the epicenter have been reporting that a youth somehow caused the earthquakes, and he is wanted for questioning by the police. He is described as being in his late teens, hispanic, approximately 5 foot 10 with a muscular build. Police are appealing to the public for any further information regarding the incident."
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