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mutant haven.

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news. [Oct. 20th, 2009|03:58 pm]
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[ CNN ]

In a press conferences this evening, the Church of Enlightenment announced that they have replaced their Majestor Deken Neramani with his younger and more popular sister, Lilandra Neramani. Majestrix Neramani had the following statement to make.

"The Church of Enlightenment would like to offer our deepest apologies to all of those affected by the actions of our former member, John Sublime. His actions in no way reflect the true beliefs of our church, and we hope that we will be able to put this event behind us and move forward. We have nothing but respect and awe for those amoung us who possess abilities beyond the ordinary, and we are deeply shamed that our church was involved in such a terrible practice."

Majestrix Neramani then went on to announce the Church's pledge to establish a mutant awareness educational program.
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in the news. [Oct. 19th, 2009|12:41 am]
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[Fox News]
The latest in a growing list of suspicious behavior, Father John Sublime of the Church of Enlightenment intended to leave the country under a falsified passport only for it to end badly. Sublime was recovered Sunday morning at the Third Street Promenade, the apparent victim of mob violence. Santa Monicans were shocked as they opened their stores to find the controversial figure tarred and feathered with a sign around his neck, reading "Who's the freak now?". The sign was the only indicator of the identity and motives of the anonymous vigilantes. Sublime has since been rushed to the hospital suffering from burns covering the majority of his body. He is in critical but stable condition and under police supervision.

When reached for comment, the Church of Enlightenment said that they are disappointed in Sublime for his recent actions and wish to withdraw their initial support. [...]
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through all of the devilish things we do. [group thread] [Oct. 18th, 2009|01:16 am]

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John wasn't going to pretend to understand why they were given this chance, but he wasn't going to hesitate and miss it, either. They were all mutants of action. Some of them wanted to change things, fight back against the injustices done to them. Some of them were sick of being told to hide in the shadows while the big kids played -- they were all extremely dangerous and capable in their own right, and they didn't need anyone else telling them that they knew best. Some of them didn't give a shit about anything; all they wanted was a little excitement to shake up an otherwise ordinary night. Adrenaline, bloodlust, vengeance, independence, it didn't matter what drove them to action. What mattered was that when John called and told them that their opportunity was now, they came.

Finding Sublime wasn't hard with Tessa's assistance. It was late at night, and the fugitive cult leader was picking the most abandoned streets to get to his destination, even when they took him out of the way. Staying under the radar and avoiding recognition was obviously more important to him than anything else, and it gave the mutants more than enough time to catch up with his car. He should have brought along reinforcements. Maybe a bodyguard or two. It was weird, actually. The guy had to know that venturing out into the Los Angeles night without protection was a bad idea. Either he was more stupid than they gave him credit for, or more desperate.

They teased him a little at first when they caught up to him on a deserted intersection. Playing with their prey like cats with a cornered mouse. The street lights flickered ominously with Dan's assistance, and Pietro whipped up quite a wind -- removing the car's headlights on one pass, even. Sublime's vehicle began to rebel against him as Wanda and Dan worked together. The radio turned on by itself and started skipping stations as the engine sputtered, the front windshield inexplicably spider-cracked and shattered inward on him, and all four doors unlocked and locked again in rapid succession. When he tried to floor the gas and run the red light, Jared leaped into the path of the oncoming car and dented the front fender, and when he tried to back up and flee the scene of the crime, Fred was there to hold the car firmly in place. Vic and Sarah climbed easily atop the roof and left deep scratches in the strong metal, and then at last, Julian pried the doors off with his telekinesis and lifted Sublime into the air. They had their terrified victim. Now they just had to get him where they wanted him.

The group met up with Cal, Dom, and John by the Third Street Promenade. The boys had brought their supplies -- tar and feathers, liberated from a supplies store and a construction site. All the elements were together now: Sublime, his punishment, and the silent shopping strip where their actions would get the most attention in the morning. It was time for Sublime to suffer for what he'd done, and for the world to find out what mutant justice was really like.

[open to dom, dan, cal, pietro, wanda, jared, julian, fred, vic, sarah, & sublime]
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in the news. [Sep. 29th, 2009|09:52 am]
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"[...]Adherants of the Church of Enlightenment were disappointed last night when Father John Sublime canceled his speech at the last minute due to security concerns. No further details were given as to the reason for the cancellation. Sublime has been charged with..."
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Mutants - Topics - TIME [Sep. 26th, 2009|07:33 am]
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[ - Time Topics > Mutants]
Mutants are mentioned in 12 articles and has appeared in 0 TIME Covers.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2009
A year ago, the United States heard claims of an 'x-gene' said to indicate the development of super human abilities. Now, after multiple public displays of such abilities, can we finally admit that mutants exist? presents a series on the science and the society in light of the growing controversy around mutants. [Continue Reading >]

  • Essex and the X-Gene: One Year Later
  • The Science Behind the Genetics: Hypermutations
  • 'The Right' Claims Mutants Responsible in Santa Monica Earthquake
  • Sublime Using Church to Explore Research?
  • Religion: Mutants One Step Closer to Enlightenment?
  • Essay: Mutants: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • Outcasts, Outlaws, or Superheroes?: Deciphering Mutant Psychology
  • Video: Real or Hoax? A Collection of Reported Mutant Sightings
  • Essay: New Theory Links Mutant Gene Activation to Puberty
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in the news. [Sep. 26th, 2009|06:36 am]
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[Fox News]
[...] In other news, a blog post appeared on the Church of Enlightenment's website on Friday afternoon. It announces a press conference for Monday evening, where Father John Sublime - the head of the former Santa Monica branch of the Church of Enlightenment - is expected to speak in regards to the charges brought against him after the July 2009 arson of the Church's premises. Though the investigation into the arson is still under investigation, Sublime has been charged with manslaughter, accessory to multiple murders, and kidnapping, in addition to other lesser charges. Sublime is suspected of assisting in the deaths of several mutants at the hand of fellow church member Dr. Jerry Gavin who Sublime was later charged in the doctor's death. [...]
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in the news. [Sep. 24th, 2009|12:12 am]
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In a statement from the Santa Monica Police Department released Wednesday...
During the course of our investigation into the alleged arson at the Church of Enlightenment last July, we have uncovered the remains of twenty-eight individuals, including church member Dr. Jerry Gavin, a private medical practicioner. Evidence suggests the death of these individuals were conducted by the doctor under the direction of Father John Sublime.

Further investigation into Sublime's background indicate his previous research regarding the psychological effects of having mutated DNA. He was arrested in New York in 2006 on battery and sexual assault charges against a female co-worker at his research institution.

At Sublime's arraignment held last week, he pled innocent against the initial charges brought against him: 1 count of 1st degree manslaughter, 28 counts of accessory to murder, kidnapping, and fraud. He was released on bail, paid by the Church of Enlightenment.

For those missing a family member in the greater Los Angeles who may have been a suspected mutant victim to the disappearances occurring before the Santa Monica earthquake, please contact the NCIC. Identification will be conducted based on the DNA evidence. Thank you.
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in the news. [Jul. 16th, 2009|10:21 pm]
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[Fox News]
Father John Sublime of the recently popular Church of Enlightenment was arrested early this morning after an apparent arson burned down his Santa Monica worship center Wednesday night. Motivation in this arson has yet to be revealed.

Sublime is currently under police surveillance at an undisclosed hospital in Los Angeles, awaiting questioning. [...]
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narrative: ashes. [Jul. 16th, 2009|09:55 pm]
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Santa Monica, California -- Late Wednesday Night
"What do you mean they're gone," John Sublime's voice boomed through the basement as he towered over the cowering surgeon.

The church had been left unmanned earlier in the evening while Sublime accompanied some of his followers to a pro-mutant demonstration downtown. In his absence, their donors had gotten out. More like broken out, given the evidence that force was used in their escape.

Then the surgeon started babbling on about the power nullifier being dismantled and Sublime lost it. He struck the surgeon hard, causing him to crash against the crude operating table. The surgeon's head struck the corner of the table, his body falling lifelessly to the floor.

Sublime seethed silently for a second, his fists clenching and unclenching as he stood over the surgeon's unmoving body. This was an unfortunate setback -- another setback. This was almost worse than the shut down in New York, because he had been so close. He had worked so hard to get to this -- gained willing members of his church to be the recipients of experiment, captured enough mutants to conduct trials, built this basement with his own money to see his science come to fruition.

John Sublime was pissed.

He stormed up the steps and back onto the main floor, intent on heading to his office to make some calls to his East Coast contacts. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw someone quietly standing in the middle of his sanctuary. His face changed suddenly, adopting a more calm and welcoming composure which appeared strained.

Excuse me -- can I help you? )
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narrative: beneath the surface. [Jul. 7th, 2009|09:09 pm]
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"I've some bad news, John."

Father John Sublime barely stepped onto the basement floor before he heard those words from his resident surgeon -- a fellow member of the Church and scientist who was under the impression he shared the pastor's more controversial beliefs. There were few members in his church that were part of this more dangerous enterprise -- at least, until Sublime was sure his plans worked as he intended.

"What is it?"

'We've lost another one.' )
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